Ebook Central
Welcome to the Ebook Central Forum. You are invited to help us improve Ebook Central and LibCentral by posting, commenting and voting on ideas.
All we require is your name and a professional (work) email address then you are ready to submit, review and vote. Our Ebook Central Forum is open for all Ebook Central users.
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- An idea can be deleted if you’ve submitted it and no one has voted or commented on it.
We will read every post, although we may not be able to respond to every idea or comment submitted. This information will provide our development team with valuable input on priorities for Ebook Central improvements.
153 results found
Include upgrade prices in LibCentral reports
It's really easy to get current new-purchase prices for a group of books: get their docids, run a title match, and the Excel report includes each book's current prices for each available license. It's really hard to get current upgrade prices: you have to open a book's LibCentral page, click the upgrade buttons, record the prices, and repeat for every book. The other day, I needed to find unlimited-access upgrade prices for 727 books, and it required most of my morning. Since the system knows the upgrade price, would it be that hard to add to a report? Just add…
5 votes -
Patrons can change view option in the reader
Ebook viewing options
Offer a two page view for ebooks. This would be particularly useful for graphic novels and material with graphics and tables. Adding a thumbnail option would also be a good idea10 votesThe Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and this work has been planned on our short-term roadmap. Thank you for your feedback and support.
Receive notifications for titles removed from the DDA pool outside of the biannual ebook process
We've had instances where faculty members ask if we have an ebook available for a class that they'll be teaching in a different semester. At the time we receive the question, we have access to it as we have activated it as part of our DDA pool. By the time the class comes, it has been removed by the publisher and we no longer have access.
We would like to receive notification of the titles that will be removed by the publisher outside of the biannual ebook removal process. By the time it hits the MARC removal list, we are…
3 votes -
Improve pricing transparency
Some publishers such as Elsevier or Springer multiply the base cost of the ebook. On LibCentral the price shown is not what we end up getting charged for in these cases. Could you calculate the actual cost of the ebook at the point of ordering? That way we can assess whether we want to purchase the ebook at that price or not. For example, we recently purchased one ebook for $57.51 but when the email confirmation came it was for $115.02 as Elsevier charges twice in that case.
2 votes -
Date Title Added to DDA
Users would like to have noted the date a title was added to a DDA list.
**note - original Idea accidentally removed from list. We invite users who originally submitted/commented on this Idea to reach out to assist in restoring details around this Idea.
10 votes -
Do not send mediated alerts when there are no options for upgrade
Currently, Ebook Central will send a mediated alert via email when a user was unable to access a limited-concurrency title. This alert will be sent regardless if the ebook is available for upgrade or not.
My suggestion for enhancement is to offer an option to either 1) send the mediated request or 2) treat it as a turnaway when the title in question is not available for upgrade
5 votes -
Offer KBART to customers
It would be great if customers could get KBART of their holdings. It would help in maintaining collections in discovery systems.
22 votes -
Ebooks: Make accessibility settings suitable for disabilities.
For accessibility with text to speech, I'd like the option to centralise the reading area on screen by hiding the book details like the non-accessible version allows, and add easy to find ways to increase size too.
This is for the benefit of less mobile readers following along, as looking to the right will cause either neck or eye strain as desk setups are usually optimised for safe working with as little turning of the head as possible, especially when engaging with lengthy documents.4 votesThe Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and this work has been planned on our short-term roadmap. Thank you for your feedback and support.
Patrons can change the color of the page in the reader
Ability to change page colour to a more muted one, as plain white is hard on the eye over a long period, this function is already in many other digital readers.
12 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! We will keep this in mind for future consideration.
Allowing only a specific email domain for account creation
Allowing only a specific email domain (the one of the institution) for account creation (via IP)
27 votesThe Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and this work has been planned on our short-term roadmap. Thank you for your feedback and support.
Mediate Request library preferences
For mediated requests and the mediate request form, we also have our settings set as "No" for mediated requests, and yet the system overrides the library's expressed preferences for mediated requests by providing users a mediate request form when the user limit has been exceeded for a title. The library's expressed preferences should take precedence over the system.
4 votes -
Allow user to save ebook to more than one bookshelf from the book info page
On the info page ("Table of Contents and more") for an ebook, users can click the button to save the ebook to the bookshelf, but it's not possible to save it to an additional bookshelf from that same page. Users can go to the bookshelf and then copy the ebook to an additional bookshelf; it would be more intuitive if this were possible on the ebook info page as well.
4 votesThe Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and this work has been planned on our short-term roadmap. Thank you for your feedback and support.
Alana DeWitt Johnson
Product Owner, Ebook Central
Normalize Highlighting
Highlighting sentences is inconsistent where it either highlights the sentence continuously or highlights each individual word. The latter creates a distracting white lattice of un-highlighted space over the text which makes it very difficult to read.
9 votes -
Invert colors for accessibility
Those with dyslexia and eyesight problems have difficulty reading when the background is white and the letters are black.
The online reader overrides the desktop inverse color for the reader, so it's not possible for me to invert the colors in the reader--so it's very difficult for me to read the text in the reader.
For greater accessibility, it should be possible to invert the colors. Thanks!5 votesThank you for your suggestion for improving Ebook Central. We will keep this in mind for future consideration. In the meantime, please continue to vote and comment with ways this functionality might help your experience.
Extended Access Report
It would be really useful to be able to generate a weekly report on all titles that we have auto-upgraded, auto-purchased or that were mediated as part of the Extended Access program. Whilst we get notifications when individual titles are triggered, a weekly report would really help with monitoring.
4 votes -
Ability to create reading lists which then have a unified permanent proxied url
Ability to create a reading list which has with a single proxied URL would be useful.
1 vote -
Patrons can share bookshelves across their institution
Make the Bookshelf function shareable across institutions
The Bookshelf function is a brilliant function of Ebook Central. I work in a support role for Jisc, and we use Ebook Central to host our collection of e-books for FE. I created several Bookshelves to divide our collection into subject and qualification areas, but was disappointed to learn that I would not be able to share these with different organisations, I could only share them within Jisc. This is disappointing because it would be a fantastic support mechanism for Jisc's librarian members in the UK. Our members often don't have the time to create these…33 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! We will keep this in mind for future consideration.
Automatically email weekly usage summary
Our institution is moving towards Power BI to live present our data. Therefore we need a way to export that data from ProQuest in a format that can be identified and harvested by other Microsoft systems. An Excel spreadsheet attached to an email might be able to do this with Flow
8 votes -
PQ LibCentral Title Reports Enhancement request - please include copyright year
PQ LibCentral Reports Enhancement request - please include copyright year.
PQ Administration System Reports include the copyright year and so should the LibCentral Reports for librarians.Thank you.
3 votes -
Modify the label of "Settings" and "Language"
My client suggests it's hard for them to get back to original language settings from other language settings.
Because they can't understand the meanings of other language label.
So I have 3 options to resolve the issue.
1.Put English menu next to original label. Ex. 設定:Settings, 使用言語:Launguage
2.Put images to each menu. Ex. Gear mark for Settings, globe mark for Language
3. Place a language setting menu to top page menu bar like a Web of science.
These would help clients to understand the meanings intuitively.1 voteAs part of our ongoing commitment to a modern and intuitive platform, we have simplified and added icons to the global navigation bar. At present, these updates will only be visible on the Search Results page. However, as we progress with our updates, they will appear in additional locations throughout Ebook Central.
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