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155 results found

  1. PQ LibCentral Title Reports Enhancement request - please include copyright year

    PQ LibCentral Reports Enhancement request - please include copyright year.
    PQ Administration System Reports include the copyright year and so should the LibCentral Reports for librarians.

    Thank you.

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  2. Modify the label of "Settings" and "Language"

    My client suggests it's hard for them to get back to original language settings from other language settings.
    Because they can't understand the meanings of other language label.
    So I have 3 options to resolve the issue.
    1.Put English menu next to original label. Ex. 設定:Settings, 使用言語:Launguage
    2.Put images to each menu. Ex. Gear mark for Settings, globe mark for Language
    3. Place a language setting menu to top page menu bar like a Web of science.
    These would help clients to understand the meanings intuitively.

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    As part of our ongoing commitment to a modern and intuitive platform, we have simplified and added icons to the global navigation bar. At present, these updates will only be visible on the Search Results page. However, as we progress with our updates, they will appear in additional locations throughout Ebook Central.

  3. Allows users to move an ebook from one bookshelf to another

    Users can copy an ebook to another bookshelf and remove the ebook from a bookshelf; both of these functions are very useful. A useful addition would be the option to move an ebook from one bookshelf to another, without having to copy it and then remove it from the original bookshelf.

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  4. Allow the ability to change the extended access settings for individual titles

    This has come up when new editions of owned copies of titles come out. We don't want to turn off the visibility of the owned copy but we also don't want to trigger additional upgrades or purchases.

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  5. Add Readership Level to DDA profiling

    We would like to be able to profile by readership level, so that it is easy to filter out non-academic content which we do not want to acquire.

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    under review  ·  rayna.stowe responded

    This idea is still under review by the product team. We will continue to update our customers on the Idea Exchange. We appreciate your comments and votes as we evaluate and triage your great ideas! Best, Rayna

  6. Provide forthcoming ebook information, especially for new editions

    It would be wonderful if you could provide information on when you will receive an ebook from a publisher, especially when new editions of print are available. I'm often asked this question when the title can't be located in your catalog but it is known to be available in print and the ebook is available directly with the publisher. Being able to pre-order these books would also be great. When I e-mail support with these questions, I'm often never provided with a response.

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  7. request to add Full Download detail information to Title Report

    Please add Full Download detail information on the Title Report and title list (via Dashbord).

    Title list has an 'EPUB Full Download Only' column but we need a detail Full Download information exactly you listed on LibCentral Full Record. Please refer to the attached screenshot. Also please add 'Full Download information' to Title Report under the 'Availability' section.

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  8. Bulk update Book Level Permissions for a set of owned ebooks

    We would like to have the ability to run a job to bulk update/change the Download Days and Online Reader Loan Days in the Book Level Permissions parameters for a list of owned ebooks. Ideally, this would be for both making initial changes to the individual book permissions and for reverting the permissions back to the default general settings.

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  9. Admin control to set the default citation style

    I would like to be able to set the default citation style in ebook central as an admin.

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  10. Find alternate solutions to manage downloads.

    Find alternate solutions to manage downloads. Our license is with you, not Adobe. We should not have to give Adobe our employees' data in order for employees to be able to download fulltext books we have licensed from you.

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  11. Allow Libraries to host ebooks they own

    I wish libraries could host ebooks they own on the Ebook Central platform. Sometimes we purchase ebook files directly from publishers that don't have their own platform and it would be great if we could host them on Ebook Central. This could be a value added benefit for Academic Complete customers. Alexander Street offers free video hosting for Academic Video Online customers.

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  12. 36 votes

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  13. When institutions own a 1U and NL copy that Availability in Ebook Central should state that multiple copies are owned.

    We have titles with both 1U and NL user licences, but on the library catalogue the statement is "your library owns 1 x copy" which is misleading for users.

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  14. Rqeust to add a hyperlink to URL under the LibCentral Book Details

    Rqeust to add a hyperlink to URL under the LibCentral Book Details.
    Please refer to the attached screenshot,

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    The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and this work has been planned on our short-term roadmap. Thank you for your feedback and support.


    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  15. ISBN/eISBN with hyphens

    LibCentral and Patron Portal should be capable processing ISBN and ISBN with hyphens

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  16. Allow folders we create to be re-arranged by the user.

    Right now folders simply appear in the order created. I have many different ones, for classes and research projects. Sometimes an existing folder is too general with too many books, and I create "sub" folders, but I can't cluster them. I also can't move the folders that I'm currently using the most to the top so I don't have to keep looking for them.

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  17. Patrons can share annotations

    Users should be able to share highlights/annotations on a book. This is useful if a professor wants to share their notes on a book, or have everyone read and note-take together. See for the type of functionality we're looking for (we can't even use in Ebook Central as a workaround, because we can't select text normally). Thanks!

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  18. Patrons can export highlights

    I'd like to get PDFs with my comments and highlights
    I would like to be able to print out or create PDFs of Ebook Central’s books with the highlights and comments that I leave on my Bookshelf Account. Currently, the created PDFs cannot show any annotations I leave on the books. It will be very nice to have the option of displaying the highlights in the PDFs as they are added and showing the comments on either left or right side of the file.

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  19. Remove Non-Linear from current upgrade hierarchy; give it its own setting.

    We have auto-upgrade enabled, with the expectation that a title will upgrade from one stable limited-user model to the next: 1u->3u->UU. Currently, NL is included in the auto-upgrade hierarchy: 1u->3u->NL->UU.

    This is really inappropriate; NL is a very different sales model from the other three, since you can run out of uses. It's especially problematic if overuse of a 3u has triggered the upgrade - that indicates really heavy use, and really heavy use will run down an NL license very quickly - thus potentially replacing 3u access with no access at all. That's not an "upgrade".

    NL is, however,…

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    Thank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea an will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.

  20. Select PDF or EPUB

    If an ebook is available in both PDF and EPUB format, the reader displays the PDF only. You have no chance to display the EPUB format. It would be very helpful for mobile device to have the opportunity to select which format should be displayed and downloaded.

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