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256 results found

  1. Include a direct link from the menu bar to the Accessibility Settings

    Currently the settings are accessible via Settings > Profile. Including a direct link would reduce steps for users with disabilities.

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    As part of our ongoing commitment to a modern and intuitive platform, we have simplified the global navigation bar to include a direct link to the Profile. At present, these updates will only be visible on the Search Results page. However, as we progress with our updates, they will appear in additional locations throughout Ebook Central.

  2. Clarify Availability messages in French - Améliorer messages de Disponibilité

    The Availability message "Copy is not available for this book" is not accurately translated when using the French interface. It looks as though there are no copies available instead of "no copying allowed". I suggest the following text instead :
    “Il est impossible de copier le livre intégral”
    (instead of “Aucune copie n’est disponible pour ce livre”)

    Similarly the message " Print and chapter download are not available for this book" is not accurate in French. I suggest the following :
    "Il est impossible d’imprimer ou de télécharger des chapitres individuels de ce livre"
    (instead of "Il est impossible d'imprimer…

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  3. Username Login Prompt

    Include a prompt on the login page that helps a user remember that their username could actually be their email address. Too many users forget their username (especially over the summer break) and then create new accounts and are shocked when they cannot find their bookshelf. Having some kind of prompt is ideal.

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  4. Allow editing on title landing pages

    Hello, we'd like to either be able to edit or suggest what appears on the landing page for e-books. Extraneous language about downloading e-books has been confusing, in particular when this is not required. Also, many students seem to be accessing through their phones, and we'd like to add language that explains how best to do that. I tried to attach a highlighted screen shot but it wouldn't let me. I am happy to send. Thank you so much for considering!

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  5. Include the DRM Allowances as columns on an exportable report

    Include the DRM Allowances (40% Print, 5% Copy) as columns on an exportable report such as the Title report and/or Expenditure report.

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  6. Persist Zoom Level

    Every time when opening an Ebook (or re-load it after the session timed out once again ...) I have to adjust the zoom level to get an appropriate zoom level for my display. I use either my laptop display or an external monitor (4K). In either case the zoom level is too high, s.t. I have to zoom out first.

    The following features would ease that (mild) pain:

    • best: have the zoom level persisted in the browser's local storage

    • good: make the zoom level a request parameter, s.t. I can have the zoom level fixed via bookmark

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  7. Ebook Central Upgrade Report

    Create a report that can be routinely pulled in LibCentral that provides --turnaway data, unique access data, highest owned license, highest available upgrade, current price for highest available upgrade, upgrade path and Is the title included in any subscribed products. A report such as this will help with making ebook upgrade decisions in bulk on a routine basis.

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  8. Change Full Download Options

    The behavior for downloads is confusing. If you download a chapter, you get a PDF document. When you are downloading the book and are offered a selection of e-Pub and PDF, no matter what you chose, you always get an .acsm file for Adobe Digital editions to retrieve the information. Students do not understand that the only thing you are choosing is how the scrolling will be: e-pub (side to side) and PDF (up and down). They are looking for a PDF document. Solution - Add descriptors? Change the choices? Change choices from e-pub & PDF to:
    - Side-to-side scrolling…

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  9. Subjects are translated to patron's preferred language in Search Results

    Sujets en francais
    Après avoir exécuté une recherche, les sujets proposés sont inscrits en anglais, alors que l'interface est en français.

    Ils devraient être présentés en français

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  10. LibCentral title reports enhancement request - total user access

    For limited user access titles (1U or 3U licenses) we often want to know the total user access we have currently, and as far as I'm aware there's no way to extract this from the current admin reports.

    Generating title reports, there is no total user access information. There are "copies" and "access model" but there is no way to easily calculate the total access from these columns.

    For example we have a title that shows as 4U access when you search in LibCentral. However the same title on the title report has:
    Copies - 3
    Access model - 1-user,…

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  11. Patrons can return books early

    To allow return of book earlier after download, so that the book can be available for other users.
    Each ebook will have a specific number of concurrent user access. However, if a user downloads a book, this is tied to a fixed number of days, before the book can be free-up for other users to access. The function should allow users to return the book earlier, so that others can also access the eBook earlier.

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  12. Add an audiobook platform/option to ebook Central

    Our patrons are asking for audio books. When an audio book is available for an ebook, it would be great to be able to offer that option directly in ebook central.

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  13. Allow owned ebooks to be withdrawn

    I would like us to be able to weed our (owned) Ebook Central titles in the same way that we weed our physical collections. At present, if we manually remove an item from the Ebook Central collection in our discovery tool, it is automatically put back the next time the weekly auto-update runs, which effectively means we can't withdraw access to ebooks we own. It would be especially useful in cases where we own multiple editions of the same title.

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  14. Retain and provide usage for full calendar years

    This idea is closely related to another that address availability of 2018 usage. It is very important for subscribers to have monthly usage totals for titles for a full calendar year in order to have complete and accurate usage counts. When titles with usage are deleted or omitted from a report based on the run date of the report rather than retained and provided for the date range selected, valuable product history is lost – history that customers use for making renewal and/or purchasing decisions.

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  15. Add selected titles from a list to your cart before ordering

    Currently you can only add an entire list to your cart. Our institution would like the ability to add selected titles from each list to a cart in order to place an order. Currently, Ebsco and Midwest both have a function where certain users have the ability to suggest purchases and one user can actually place the order from the other users lists/carts.

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  16. Newer edition available flag

    There should be a newer edition available flag to prevent people ordering older edition eBooks when newer editions are available. Why are the older edtions there anyway.

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  17. Automatically prevent purchasing multiple Unlimited Access copies of the same book

    Please automatically prevent purchasing multiple Unlimited Access copies of the same book.

    Also when sending removal list of titles or any other promotions to customers for possible purchase, please de-dupe this list against our holdings. I do not need to review titles that we have already purchased as UU. These lists should also include a note if a newer edition is available and whether or not the title is in our current dda pool and/or eligible for dda.

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    Thank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea an will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.


    Alana DeWitt Johnson

    Product Owner, Ebook Central

  18. Discount information in LibCentral should be reflected into ebook prices of mediate request page

    Currently, discount prices are in book details of LibCentral but they are not reflected into ebook prices of mediated request page so to confirm discount information before purchase, admin users have to click a title to go to its book detail page. I want to request this to save their time.

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  19. The Library should be able to stop patrons from Request title if the Library has purchased max amount of 1user only.

    Ebook Central Admin: Why did I get a mediated request for this title?

    1. Extended access enabled and set to upgrade automatically, but no upgraded access model is available, or the upgrade price exceeds the upgrade price limit.

    Suggestion for change:

    The Library should be able to stop patrons from Request title if the Library has purchased max amount of 1user only. Example: A library owns 3 copies of a 1-user copy of an ebook and the ebook is currently in use. The Library have purchased total 3user access so the Library have enough licenses according to their policies. The patron…

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  20. Patrons can export EBC search results

    Export EBC Search Results to Excel/CSV
    It would be helpful if end users could export their Ebook Central search results (and accompanying metadata) to Excel/CSV files. This functionality is already available on the ProQuest academic database platform and should also be available on Ebook Central.

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