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155 results found

  1. Referral Statistics

    We would find it helpful if there is a way to get referral statistics for Ebook Central under LibCentral's self-service options. This would benefit institutions looking at the various ways they're providing access to Ebook Central titles, and are hoping to get statistics to see how library users are discovering and linking to ebook holdings.

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  2. Add more subjects

    Add the following subject headings under ''Browse Subjects'': Sports; Sports and Recreation

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  3. Be able to select which user model to upgrade - not always the lowest access model.

    When choosing to upgrade via LibCentral, and if you already have more than one user model (e.g. a 1U and a 3U), we need to be able to select which model to upgrade. i.e. Be able to chose if you upgrade the 3U or the 1U depending on your needs. Currently you can only upgrade the lowest access model. if an unlimited becomes available, you must first upgrade the 1U instead of being able to upgrade your 3U (and therefore pay a smaller upgrade price).

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  4. Reconciling invoice payments into DDA deposit account more seamlessly

    Recently our finance department paid a proforma invoice - I had to chase Proquest as the payment wasn't showing in our deposit account for nearly 3 weeks? This also happened with the previous deposit invoice. Can the process be made more seamless from your side so that deposit payments made into deposit accounts show immediately?

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  5. Expand autopurchase price limit options to be cumulative for a title

    Currently, the extended access autopurchase price limit only applies to a single automatic purchase.

    It would be helpful to have a cumulative price threshold that could be set at the title level that considered the total cost of both upgrades and autopurchases for each title.

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  6. Notifications when a patron is blocked

    We recently had an academic blocked by PEC because he downloaded in excess of 100 titles in a month. We were not aware of any blocks in Proquest, and neither the library nor the patron were notified of the block; his access was just limited without explanation. We were informed that Proquest would remove the block at the end of the month, but that was not communicated either. A notification system needs to be in place if patron access is going to be affected.

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  7. Information about titles that have been added to bookshelves by students before the titles are withdrawn from Ebook Central subscriptions

    When titles are withdrawn from our Ebook Central subscription, we have no way to knowing if any of the titles that we will lose access to have been added to a student bookshelf (where notes and chapters have been highlighted). Students also do not get notified and may lose access to the title with all highlighting / notes accompanying the text it relates to. I would like to propose that users get some form of notification prior to withdrawal if the title is part of their personal bookshelf to give them an opportunity to save the notes and also that…

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    The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and this work has been planned on our short-term roadmap. Thank you for your feedback and support.

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    As part of our ongoing commitment to a modern and intuitive platform, we improved the Add to Bookshelf pop-up to allow patrons to add books to multiple folders. At present, these updates will only be visible on the Search Results page. However, as we progress with our updates, they will appear in additional locations throughout Ebook Central.

  9. Patrons can clearly see turnaway message; Librarians can customize turnaway message

    Ebook Central turnaway messages
    The existing turnaway message that users are given is hidden in not very clear text, in the middle of the screen, amoungst other things. a student with sight issues flagged this as hard to see, and they are right.

    The current message of 'All copies are currently in use' should be in bold, or make much clearer in any other way.

    Even the ability to customise this message would be useful.

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  10. Chapter level linking in EBC

    In light of recent updates to Primo regarding chapter level indexing. We would like to pursue the ability to link to the chapter level. Since a user can drill down to the chapter level in Primo, when they link out to the ebook in Ebook Central, they are taken to the book level and are then forced to locate their specific chapter again. We feel that this is a step backwards. Especially for the same company. Please consider this linking enhancement for a better user experience.

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  11. Highlight Holdings in differnt colour

    In LibCentral (and also in patron portal) it would be very helpful, if holdings/owned titles would be highlighted in a different colour.
    Currently owned, DDA, ATO titles are all highlighed yellow. For a better distinction it would be useful to highlight owned titles in a different colour.

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  12. Is it possible to export libCentral's reports to XLS and not only .csv and MARC as it is the case?

    i can't have my export directly in xls i have it only in .csv and must do some manipulations to get it in correctly excel

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  13. Reference to purchased titles in mediated extened access process

    For the extended access at 1U and 3U we would like to use the mediated process, but here the user is not informed that the title is actually already purchased and therefore moderated.
    We would like to refer to the purchased/owned title before or during the moderating request.

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  14. Allow for greater interplay between price and number of additional copies in Extended Access

    We would like to be able to control the number of additional copies purchased relative to the price of the title. If we have a price cap of $500 on the purchase of additional copies and the purchase of an additional copy falls well beneath that price cap, we would like the opportunity to increase the limit on the number of additional copies purchased.

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  15. Message field of request form should not be an optional

    Currently the message field on a request form for mediated-DDA is optional but many administrators want users to put comments. So I request administrators can select it's optional or mandatory.

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  16. Make EDI ordering and invoicing available on EBook Central

    EDI ordering and invoicing is a key workflow process and making this possible via EBook Central would improve workflows and processes hugely.

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  17. Bisac classification in LibCentral as well

    Since end of 2018 patrons have a more specific subject filter (BISAC) for search results. This would be helpful for DDA profiing and title searching in LibCentral as well.

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  18. Getting usage data through API

    Set up a possibility of getting usage data through API.

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  19. Pay for ebook purchased by credit card

    Please create an option to pay for each ebook purchase with a credit card, rather than being invoiced. This would greatly improve the efficiency of our workflow and likely increase our utilization of the ProQuest eBook Central platform in our library. Thank you!

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  20. Additional turnaways information requested

    With auto-upgrades, if an eBook is only available as a 1-user license and is in use please could it be reported as a turnaway if someone else tries to access it. Not everyone will fill in the mediated title request so I don't think we are getting a true picture of how often people can't access 1-user titles and we have quite a lot of these. It would also help make COUNTER reporting of turnaways more accurate I would guess? Thanks

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