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73 results found

  1. by adding native American history

    I think we should add a native American history feature

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  2. Connect to Freedom House measures regarding civil liberties, democracy and internet

    Freedom House has established a rigorous evaluation method for these aspects. The State Department may have one too.

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  3. Projected environmental changes

    Please include information about projected changes to countries’ environment, natural resources, and infrastructure. NASA has a mapping tool that should be open use. World Bank has a data info tool.

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  4. Please list 'West Bank and Gaza' under Palestine, as per the name used by the United Nations and the majority of its member states. Thanks!

    Please list 'West Bank and Gaza' under Palestine, as per the name used by the United Nations and the majority of its member states. This will reduce confusion for students searching for it.

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  5. On your South Korea page, under Sports and games, there is a misinterpretation. It should be - rock=bawi, paper=bo

    On the South Korea page under the Kids Edition, the mention of the game Rock, Paper, Scissors incorrectly translated 2 words. My students said it should be bawi for rock and bo for paper.

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  6. Edit "General Attitudes" for subjectivity reasons

    The “General Attitudes” section needs some attention as it reads as stereotype-driven, particularly the passage about Mexico. If this is to remain, I suggest attribution to a particular author, lest ProQuest be attributed as perpetuating stereotypes.

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  7. We currently have 1-to-1 iPads at our school, and CultureGrams does not play nicely on iPads (especially when it comes to copying citations)

    We currently have 1-to-1 iPads at our school, and CultureGrams does not play nicely on iPads (especially when it comes to copying citations with the Copy Citation feature).

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  8. fix the atheist and non beliver

    they are the same thing

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  9. Add U.S. Colonies

    Add a tab that includes the history, daily life, and facts about each of the U.S. Colonies with details such as the geography, founding fathers, role of women, men, children, the economy, etc.

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  10. new language added to translation option

    I have many students that speak Pashto/Pushto. This is not one of the available languages at the moment. Is it possible to add this language to the translation list? It would be most welcome.

    Please let me know how seriously this request is being taken and what the next steps will be.

    Thank you in advance.

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  11. Update Heads of State to 2023

    (In alphabetical order, by continent) Africa: Equitorial Guinea's prime minister is now Manuela Roka Botey, Gabon's prime minister is now Alain Claude Bilie By Nze
    Asia: Taiwan's premier is now Chen Chien-jen, Vietnam's ACTING president is now Võ Thị Ánh Xuân
    Europe: Bosnia and Herzegovina's prime minister is now Borjana Krišto, Switzerland's president is now Alain Berset
    Oceania: New Zealand's prime minister is now Chris Hipkins
    South America: Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is now OFFICIALLY the president of Brazil

    If you could update the heads of state to what's listed above (the current heads of state), that would be…

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  12. Landmarks or important places for countries

    Having a tab that lists landmarks, important places, UNESCO world heritage sites, National Parks, important landforms, etc.

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  13. Versions for lower elementary and ESL students would be wonderful.

    A simpler versions to help lower elementary students and ESL students learn about countries would be a great addition and cover our entire student body. Thank you.

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  14. Could you add a "day to day life" section for each country?

    Adding how a normal day is for the people of the counry

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  15. Adding a page about Culture

    I think for kids like me learning about different Continets would be helpful if they added a page made for people looking for different cultures on different continents. If they add this it would be an amazing idea!

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  16. Introductory Country Videos

    Many of my students are new English Language Readers & Listeners. I am not certain that my students understand the Kids' edition. It would be nice to have a short (<5 minute) video introducing the country as well as some pertinent & popular information. This could be done for the country as a whole as well as by individual sections.

    Thank you.

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  17. Deaf Culture

    I would really like to see Deaf culture added to these. Maybe start with American Sign Language and go from there.

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  18. 3 votes

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  19. default language

    I would like the ability to set the default language to other languages and then get a dedicated url for using Culture Grams in this language. We would use this for our Seal of Biliterarcy and foreign language students.

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  20. school edition

    where administradors can look at what there doing

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