PQDT Global
Welcome to the PQDT Global Forum. You are invited to help us improve ProQuest Dissertations and Theses by posting, commenting and voting on ideas.
All we require is your name and a professional (work) email address then you are ready to submit, review and vote. Our PQDT Global forum is open for all PQDT Global users.
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- An idea can be deleted if you’ve submitted it and no one has voted or commented on it.
We will read every post, although we may not be able to respond to every idea or comment submitted. This information will provide our development team with valuable input on priorities for PQDT Global improvements.
17 results found
More unique dissertation questions
Exploring the different usage of dissertations
6 votes -
Scroll Bar for Theses
I would like to have a scroll bar on the right side of a thesis so I don't have to use my mouse to go through 50+ pages. Having a scroll bar means I would be able to go to the exact page I need much quicker.
6 votes -
Please bring back the deleted line of links above the search boxes in all Proquest databases to save us clicking twice as much
Please bring back the line above the search box which used to list Basic Search, Advanced search, Publications, Browse and Change Databases. Moving them all under the hamburger bar to be with the About information and the rest of, means that we now have to double the amount of clicking for each term we search. There is enough clicking in the world and adding to it just to make the page look streamlined makes things less accessible, not more. Thank you
4 votes -
Request for ProQuest Platform - Log in through your library from Open web
When we sign in ProQuest Platform from open web (proquest.com), it's sometimes hard to find where to log in with ProQuest Account because it's hidden by "more access options" tab. Could you show us it without expanding a tab? Posted on behalf of the customers in Japan.
5 votes -
PQDT Global "impact factor" type metric to evaluate subscription decisions
As a collections librarian, I would like to be able to have an "impact factor" like metric for PQDT Global as a way to see the value of this collection to my library. This metric would be some indicator of the usage and citations of PQDT Global dissertations and theses.
5 votes -
Ability to build a custom PQDT topic-based collection
As a small school with a limited budget, I would like to be able to select a set of topics to include in a PQDT collection. I would be able to select from a menu of topics to include in this collection, and pay for the number of titles I add to the collection. PQDT 5.1M records is awesome, but puts it out of reach for a smaller school.
6 votes -
Add link to IR for full-text records in PQDT
For institutions that partner with ProQuest to publish full text with PQDT, there would be a link to the institutional repository record within the PQDT database.
5 votes -
Create a summary of a dissertation or thesis for quick review
Dissertations and theses can be very large and complex documents. I would like to be able to view a summary of the document that allows me to quickly review the research without having to read the entire thing. Abstracts are very short and aren't useful for digging into particular aspects of the research. A list of figures, tables is one option. Perhaps a "cliff's notes" kind of summary for each chapter?
16 votes -
Full-text limiter checkbox for PQDT A&I database
Customers would like option for full-text limiter checkbox on PQDT A&I search pages so that they can limit searches to open access dissertations/theses.
6 votes -
Dissertations and Theses as Open Access
I would like to be able to have access to PQDT dissertations and theses without having to be part of a university subscription. It would be of benefit to many to make this research publicly available as Open Access.
12 votes -
Single IR embargo drives ProQuest embargo restrictions
As a manager of an IR, I would like to have students to be presented with a single embargo option aligned with the IR policy that would then drive the embargo on the PQ platform.
12 votes -
Data use for research
PQDT has a huge library of dissertations and theses with rich metadata. As a graduate student, I would like to be able to use this data in my research projects, in particular for a text and data mining project. It would be helpful to have a way to search and extract metadata for research purposes.
11 votes -
Guided topic search tool
The search page for PQDT is an open line to put in search terms. As a new graduate student doing topic research, I am unsure how to get started on a search. It would be helpful to have a set workflow that I was walked through with prompts to help guide my search (like search categories and terms) so I can have a more efficient and productive workflow.
11 votes -
Internationalization of Content and Tools
English is often not the first language of users of PQDT. Please consider expanding support for localization of content, metadata, supporting materials.
5 votes -
Create a starter bibliography for dissertation topic research
When doing a literature review of dissertations and theses on a particular topic, it is difficult to know where to begin. If there were a 'pre-made' bibliography for a particular topic of the most cited references about this topic, I could have a place to start my topic research.
10 votes -
Accessible PDFs in PQDT
PDFs inside PQDT are not ADA or WCAG compliant, so as a native screen reader I am unable to use PQDT for my research. Is there a way to create PDFs that are accessible to screen readers, or a different way of presenting the content within PQDT that is screen reader friendly?
8 votes -
Justification of paying for PQDT with OA options
As most of the theses are Open Access, I think it becomes harder and harder to justify paying for databases such as these. Base, Core, OpenAire, Ebsco Open Dissertations will yield most of the same results.
5 votes
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