Ebook Central
Welcome to the Ebook Central Forum. You are invited to help us improve Ebook Central and LibCentral by posting, commenting and voting on ideas.
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We will read every post, although we may not be able to respond to every idea or comment submitted. This information will provide our development team with valuable input on priorities for Ebook Central improvements.
29 results found
Generating usage report by IP range, not just single IP address
In LibCentral we can download usage reports for one specific IP address at a time. If you need reports covering a whole IP range you have to email support to receive that. It would be very nice to generate those reports from LibCentral.
1 vote -
Unqiue user IDs for Turnaway Alerts
For turnaway alerts, we would like to be able to see how many of the turnaways are unique users.
7 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Include URLs in LibCentral Title Reports
Including urls in Title Reports can help manage holdings in third-party catalogs and discovery layers. Thank you!
5 votes -
Include the DRM Allowances as columns on an exportable report
Include the DRM Allowances (40% Print, 5% Copy) as columns on an exportable report such as the Title report and/or Expenditure report.
3 votes -
Ebook Central Upgrade Report
Create a report that can be routinely pulled in LibCentral that provides --turnaway data, unique access data, highest owned license, highest available upgrade, current price for highest available upgrade, upgrade path and Is the title included in any subscribed products. A report such as this will help with making ebook upgrade decisions in bulk on a routine basis.
4 votesThank you for your suggestion for improving Ebook Central. We will keep this in mind for future consideration. In the meantime, please continue to vote and comment with ways this functionality might help your experience.
LibCentral title reports enhancement request - total user access
For limited user access titles (1U or 3U licenses) we often want to know the total user access we have currently, and as far as I'm aware there's no way to extract this from the current admin reports.
Generating title reports, there is no total user access information. There are "copies" and "access model" but there is no way to easily calculate the total access from these columns.
For example we have a title that shows as 4U access when you search in LibCentral. However the same title on the title report has:
Copies - 3
Access model - 1-user,…5 votes -
Retain and provide usage for full calendar years
This idea is closely related to another that address availability of 2018 usage. It is very important for subscribers to have monthly usage totals for titles for a full calendar year in order to have complete and accurate usage counts. When titles with usage are deleted or omitted from a report based on the run date of the report rather than retained and provided for the date range selected, valuable product history is lost – history that customers use for making renewal and/or purchasing decisions.
2 votes -
Schedule usage report
Schedule a customize usage report every week, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually and send to an email.
8 votes -
Allow Title Reports to merge across multiple consortial holdings
We have books we've DDAd and own directly. In addition we have two different consortia that we have owned/subscribed books through. I want to be able to generate a single report (and choose the columns myself) that merges ALL of our institutional "holdings" - owned, subscribed, DDA, ATO. Right now I have to download all of them separately and then merge them myself, and since the subscribed is huge (and I can't pick the columns so I get them all), it is unwieldy to work with in Excel.
2 votes -
Include upgrade prices in LibCentral reports
It's really easy to get current new-purchase prices for a group of books: get their docids, run a title match, and the Excel report includes each book's current prices for each available license. It's really hard to get current upgrade prices: you have to open a book's LibCentral page, click the upgrade buttons, record the prices, and repeat for every book. The other day, I needed to find unlimited-access upgrade prices for 727 books, and it required most of my morning. Since the system knows the upgrade price, would it be that hard to add to a report? Just add…
5 votes -
I'd like to analyze usage by series-titles, as well as individual titles and publishers.
Currently I have no way of determining which series are most used by users without looking title by title. I'd like a quicker and easier way of determining which series have gained and lost usage year by year - so as to identify which series titles should be acquired or left out of selective purchasing.
1 vote -
Extended Access Report
It would be really useful to be able to generate a weekly report on all titles that we have auto-upgraded, auto-purchased or that were mediated as part of the Extended Access program. Whilst we get notifications when individual titles are triggered, a weekly report would really help with monitoring.
4 votes -
Automatically email weekly usage summary
Our institution is moving towards Power BI to live present our data. Therefore we need a way to export that data from ProQuest in a format that can be identified and harvested by other Microsoft systems. An Excel spreadsheet attached to an email might be able to do this with Flow
8 votes -
PQ LibCentral Title Reports Enhancement request - please include copyright year
PQ LibCentral Reports Enhancement request - please include copyright year.
PQ Administration System Reports include the copyright year and so should the LibCentral Reports for librarians.Thank you.
3 votes -
allow for more attributes to be passed in reports
there are more elements that can be extracted from the info our users pass you to authenticate that could be added to reports, for example role (undergrad, grad, faculty, staff) or school (Medicine, Engineering, Business, etc.).
2 votes -
request to add Full Download detail information to Title Report
Please add Full Download detail information on the Title Report and title list (via Dashbord).
Title list has an 'EPUB Full Download Only' column but we need a detail Full Download information exactly you listed on LibCentral Full Record. Please refer to the attached screenshot. Also please add 'Full Download information' to Title Report under the 'Availability' section.
3 votes -
Improve COUNTER 4 and COUNTER 5 Reports
ALL COUNTER 4 and 5 Reports
Please find a way to alphabetize the titles in all COUNTER 4 and 5 reports properly so that initial articles are ignored (e.g., a, the). For example, A Practical Approach to Cardiovascular Medicine should sort under P rather than A and The Craft of Scientific Presentations : Critical Steps to Succeed and Critical Errors to Avoid should sort under C rather than T.COUNTER 5 Reports
The COUNTER 5 TR-B1 Report lists titles in an apparently random order as the default. Please change the default to alphabetical order.The COUNTER 5 TR_B1 Report doesn’t…
2 votes -
Title Reports - include Date Added
It would be helpful to have the Date Added (to platform) included in the Export Field Chooser, as well as display in the html report.
Date Added is currently available as a search limiter, and displays in the record view of LibCentral.3 votes -
Referral Statistics
We would find it helpful if there is a way to get referral statistics for Ebook Central under LibCentral's self-service options. This would benefit institutions looking at the various ways they're providing access to Ebook Central titles, and are hoping to get statistics to see how library users are discovering and linking to ebook holdings.
6 votes -
Counter reports should reflect usage for collection as it was on the dates selected (instead of as it was on the date run)
As it currently stands, if I run a report today covering 2018 usage for our consortially held collections, the usage totals only reflect usage for titles that are still in the collection (as well as newly added titles). It would be better if a report for 2018 usage included data for all the titles that were part of the collection in 2018. We have access to a couple large consortially held packages. The practice as it is currently in place results in a discrepancy of several hundred downloads in the BR2 count for Feb 2018 if we compare a report…
3 votes
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