Additional turnaways information requested
With auto-upgrades, if an eBook is only available as a 1-user license and is in use please could it be reported as a turnaway if someone else tries to access it. Not everyone will fill in the mediated title request so I don't think we are getting a true picture of how often people can't access 1-user titles and we have quite a lot of these. It would also help make COUNTER reporting of turnaways more accurate I would guess? Thanks

Juleah Swanson commented
At the start of every school year, I run into this same issue and frustration with Ebook Central. Titles are showing zero turnaways but have multiple mediated requests submitted within a week. This is an inaccurate and misleading view of turnaways and usages. All other ebook platforms accurately collect turnaway statistics, so I don't understand why the data on Ebook Central is wildly different.
Juleah Swanson commented
I agree with this. We are seeing zero turnaways reported on titles that have known or suspected to have reached their user limits. I find this to be misleading and an incorrect picture of usage and turnaways. I'll submit a separate idea exchange note about the mediated request form, but we also have our settings set as "No" for mediated requests, and yet the system overrides the library's expressed preferences for mediated requests by providing users a mediate form in these instances. The library's expressed preferences should take precedence.