Ebook Central
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We will read every post, although we may not be able to respond to every idea or comment submitted. This information will provide our development team with valuable input on priorities for Ebook Central improvements.
55 results found
Search across multiple volumes of the Patrologia Latina
This is the THIRD time I have brought up this issue. This is NOT an idea for future consideration, but a concern over the basic functionality of one of your resources. It is, frankly, unacceptable that this has not been addressed and ought to be an embarrassment to your development team.
In using the Patrologia Latina database, it is impossible to search for a term across multiple volumes. This is a critical feature for the functionality of a database of this sort, and I ask that you make this possible. It is not feasible to search volume-by-volume in a collection…
1 vote -
Add a public note field on eBook records.
We'd like to add a public note to individual titles explaining why they have a different download model than the rest of our holdings. For example, the textbooks we purchase are all unlimited use, but with no download permissions. We'd like to have a public note field explaining why the user is unable to download that book.
1 voteThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Sarah Breiding
Product Owner
Refine search by Audience, e.g. Adult or Juvenile.
When I run a query on ProQuest Ebooks with the keyword "India," for example, the first results I get are clearly written for a juvenile audience. It wouldn't be appropriate for high school students to cite those results for an assignment and yet it could be easy for them to unwittingly use those titles. Likewise, a middle schooler conducting research on India should be able to filter for results that best match her reading level / age. The lack of this distinction is a significant issue and something that could substantially limit student use.
1 voteThank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Sarah Breiding
Product Owner
Display access model on the patron site
Currently patrons do not know what access model we have for the ebooks on Ebook Central. Enhance the platfrom to indicate for patrons the access model of the ebook (DDA, subscription, perpetual, etc).
24 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea an will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Navigate back to results lists when previewing
Include a way to return to the results list when you are previewing a book. Currently the only way back is to use your browser back button, and then you see a back to results list.
2 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Translation Tool
A translation tool would be really usefull, many customer have low usage of the platform because most of the text are in english.
2 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Put subject facets in alphabetical order and collapsed
Current facet choices for subjects is frustrating. Instead of listing them in a drop down menu in popularity order, it would be more helpful in alphabetical order. Collapse all the facets that start with the same word and have a drill down from that word.
1 voteThank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Alphabetize Bookshelves
I have multiple bookshelves - is there a way to sort the names of the bookshelves alphabetically? If so, can it happen even if we re-name a bookshelf? Thank you for taking feedback from your users!
4 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Change holdings display when a Library holds a 3 user and unlimited user copies of same title
When a Library holds a 3 user ebook copy and an unlimited user copy, if you search for the title and access it, ProQuest shows you have access to only the 3 user copy. It would be better if it showed we have unlimited access
4 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Provide a way to suppress the entire "Book Status" area from the "Refine Your Search" menu. We don't use this area, so it confuses users
Please provide a way to suppress the entire "Book Status" area from the "Refine Your Search" menu. We don't use this area (we don't have an ILS, use courses reserves, or DDA), so it confuses users.
Thank you!
1 voteThank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Show upcoming title removals to users within EBC
Display a note on records letting people know when eBook titles will be removed from the collection, similar to how Netflix and other streaming services let people know that a movie is leaving the service. This will help prevent “surprise” removal from the collection by helping end-users identify when titles are leaving, and give institutions an opportunity to find alternate access to the title or a substitute.
52 votesThe Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and this work has been planned on our short-term roadmap. Thank you for your feedback and support.
Provide option to remove Ebook Central "Download Book" button
Provide option to remove the "Download Book" button from Ebook Central UI. Clicking this button results in PQ wanting access to my Adobe Digital Editions account, which does not live on my laptop computer. I’m fairly certain Digital Editions does not live on very many computers anymore. It would be very nice if this particular download option could become either our option for display, removed, disabled, or at least moved way down to the very bottom of the page. My preference would be to have the ability to either enable/disable from the admin area. The button also should communicate that…
5 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Alana DeWitt Johnson
Product Owner, Ebook Central
Enable a "select all" for Patron Requests
It would be a time saver if we could "select all" from the Patron Requests list. Currently each box must be checked individually, which is a time consuming process.
1 voteThank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Please can Russian/Ukraian be added to the language settings?
Currently Russian/Ukrainian is not a alternative choice, due to the recent conflict, our college has had a high intake of learners, it would be extremely useful to hv this additional language added to eBook central
1 voteThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Shared bookshelf for team
team-bookshelf - on which a team could work together. Very participant should have the oppurtunity to bookmark/unbookmark books and also to see/have the team-bookshelf in its own account. So everybody of the team could work with the same bookshelf.
4 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Alana DeWitt Johnson
Product Owner, Ebook Central
Session Length Online Reader
The session length of 30 minutes of inactivity before you are automatically removed from a title is too short to really be able to concentrate on your study work. As a user, it is exhausting to look for the spot where you stopped every time your session ended throughout the title.
Might it be possible to make the session longer or to set up a pop-up window so that you are at least warned before the session ends?
8 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea an will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Alana DeWitt Johnson
Product Owner, Ebook Central
Allow left-hand menu to be hidden in text only mode to support enlarging text
When using text-only mode the text of the book can be enlarged using browser zoom to a higher level than when text-only mode is disabled (when using Read Online or download views). For visually impaired users who need to enlarge text to a higher level of magnification than non text-only Read Online or downloads will allow, text-only mode should meet this need. However, as the text is enlarged using browser zoom the left-hand menu (containing table of contents, search etc) also increases in size, covering the book content. The left-hand menu cannot be closed (as it can when text-only mode…
8 votes -
Can you please make the turn away message customizable?
When faculty members embed specific content from Ebook Central that only allows students to access materials one at a time, there is no way to customize the turn away message. This would be incredibly helpful since we have electronic materials from multiple vendors and platforms. If the student does not use the catalog, they do not realize this. But having a customizable message, such as: "Locked out of this resource? Call the library now for access!" This would help our students so much more and make our interface more user-friendly. Thank you for considering this.
4 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Alana DeWitt Johnson
Product Owner, Ebook Central
Highlight reason for turn-away on eBook's landing page
Many students do not take the time to scan the page (much less read it). When a s student is unable to access a book, all information is irrelevant, EXCEPT the information that I have highlighted. The student will not care about title, author, publication date, etc. They only care about accessing the book, and if they can’t access the book, they are ONLY interested why not & what else they can do. I suggest you highlight this information so that students know why they could not access the book, and what other options they have to proceed from here.
15 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Display publisher restrictions on downloading, printing, copying
It would be incredibly useful if e-book entries listed when there are publisher restrictions on downloading, printing, copying. This language on the page is insufficient: "Copy is not available for this book. Print and chapter download are not available for this book."
This FAQ it not so helpful as there could be several disparate reasons as to why this it occurring: https://support.proquest.com/s/article/Why-is-the-download-button-grayed-out?language=en_US. It puts the burden on us or the user to contact you if we want more info on why a download button is greyed out. If you know up front that there is a publisher restriction, please…
3 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Alana DeWitt Johnson
Product Owner, Ebook Central
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