Ebook Central
Welcome to the Ebook Central Forum. You are invited to help us improve Ebook Central and LibCentral by posting, commenting and voting on ideas.
All we require is your name and a professional (work) email address then you are ready to submit, review and vote. Our Ebook Central Forum is open for all Ebook Central users.
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- An idea can be deleted if you’ve submitted it and no one has voted or commented on it.
We will read every post, although we may not be able to respond to every idea or comment submitted. This information will provide our development team with valuable input on priorities for Ebook Central improvements.
155 results found
Highlight reason for turn-away on eBook's landing page
Many students do not take the time to scan the page (much less read it). When a s student is unable to access a book, all information is irrelevant, EXCEPT the information that I have highlighted. The student will not care about title, author, publication date, etc. They only care about accessing the book, and if they can’t access the book, they are ONLY interested why not & what else they can do. I suggest you highlight this information so that students know why they could not access the book, and what other options they have to proceed from here.
15 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Information about titles that have been added to bookshelves by students before the titles are withdrawn from Ebook Central subscriptions
When titles are withdrawn from our Ebook Central subscription, we have no way to knowing if any of the titles that we will lose access to have been added to a student bookshelf (where notes and chapters have been highlighted). Students also do not get notified and may lose access to the title with all highlighting / notes accompanying the text it relates to. I would like to propose that users get some form of notification prior to withdrawal if the title is part of their personal bookshelf to give them an opportunity to save the notes and also that…
15 votesThe Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and this work has been planned on our short-term roadmap. Thank you for your feedback and support.
Notifications when a patron is blocked
We recently had an academic blocked by PEC because he downloaded in excess of 100 titles in a month. We were not aware of any blocks in Proquest, and neither the library nor the patron were notified of the block; his access was just limited without explanation. We were informed that Proquest would remove the block at the end of the month, but that was not communicated either. A notification system needs to be in place if patron access is going to be affected.
13 votes -
Patrons can change the color of the page in the reader
Ability to change page colour to a more muted one, as plain white is hard on the eye over a long period, this function is already in many other digital readers.
12 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! We will keep this in mind for future consideration.
When institutions own a 1U and NL copy that Availability in Ebook Central should state that multiple copies are owned.
We have titles with both 1U and NL user licences, but on the library catalogue the statement is "your library owns 1 x copy" which is misleading for users.
12 votes -
Allow owned ebooks to be withdrawn
I would like us to be able to weed our (owned) Ebook Central titles in the same way that we weed our physical collections. At present, if we manually remove an item from the Ebook Central collection in our discovery tool, it is automatically put back the next time the weekly auto-update runs, which effectively means we can't withdraw access to ebooks we own. It would be especially useful in cases where we own multiple editions of the same title.
11 votes -
Discount information in LibCentral should be reflected into ebook prices of mediate request page
Currently, discount prices are in book details of LibCentral but they are not reflected into ebook prices of mediated request page so to confirm discount information before purchase, admin users have to click a title to go to its book detail page. I want to request this to save their time.
11 votes -
Permalinks need to have the option to always include proxy info
Our faculty work sometimes from campus and sometimes from home and send permalinks to students who may be on or off campus. The permalinks will only consistently work if they are proxied all the time. Our faculty or students are not going to think to check the URL every time...mainly because every other vendor we use just allows us to turn on proxied version 100% of the time regardless of where they are when they are accessing the resource so they don't have to think about it.
11 votes -
Allow Libraries to host ebooks they own
I wish libraries could host ebooks they own on the Ebook Central platform. Sometimes we purchase ebook files directly from publishers that don't have their own platform and it would be great if we could host them on Ebook Central. This could be a value added benefit for Academic Complete customers. Alexander Street offers free video hosting for Academic Video Online customers.
11 votes -
Patrons can change view option in the reader
Ebook viewing options
Offer a two page view for ebooks. This would be particularly useful for graphic novels and material with graphics and tables. Adding a thumbnail option would also be a good idea10 votesThe Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and this work has been planned on our short-term roadmap. Thank you for your feedback and support.
Date Title Added to DDA
Users would like to have noted the date a title was added to a DDA list.
**note - original Idea accidentally removed from list. We invite users who originally submitted/commented on this Idea to reach out to assist in restoring details around this Idea.
10 votes -
Allow the ability to change the extended access settings for individual titles
This has come up when new editions of owned copies of titles come out. We don't want to turn off the visibility of the owned copy but we also don't want to trigger additional upgrades or purchases.
10 votes -
Admin control to set the default citation style
I would like to be able to set the default citation style in ebook central as an admin.
10 votes -
Expand autopurchase price limit options to be cumulative for a title
Currently, the extended access autopurchase price limit only applies to a single automatic purchase.
It would be helpful to have a cumulative price threshold that could be set at the title level that considered the total cost of both upgrades and autopurchases for each title.
10 votes -
Getting usage data through API
Set up a possibility of getting usage data through API.
10 votes -
Reference to purchased titles in mediated extened access process
For the extended access at 1U and 3U we would like to use the mediated process, but here the user is not informed that the title is actually already purchased and therefore moderated.
We would like to refer to the purchased/owned title before or during the moderating request.9 votes -
Is it possible to export libCentral's reports to XLS and not only .csv and MARC as it is the case?
i can't have my export directly in xls i have it only in .csv and must do some manipulations to get it in correctly excel
9 votes -
Librarians can customize covers on EBC landing page
Covers at the book carousel of the patron by selection
Librarians should be able to choose the books displayed at the book carousel of the landing page (recently viewed/featured titles).9 votes -
Set number of turnaways before ebook licence upgraded
It would be useful to be able to set a minimum number of turnaways (ideally from unique users) before an ebook licence is automatically upgraded or additional licences purchased.
8 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Full MARC records in UTF-8
MARC records in languages other than English are often garbled unless they are in UTF-8. I usually use Express MARC, but Full records included richer information are preferable. So I would like to request the release of Full MARC available in UTF-8.
8 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
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