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153 results found

  1. Exclude Previously Held Titles from MARC Add Files

    We want the option to exclude already owned or subscribed titles which are currently included in MARC Add Files.

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  2. Alphabetize Bookshelves

    I have multiple bookshelves - is there a way to sort the names of the bookshelves alphabetically? If so, can it happen even if we re-name a bookshelf? Thank you for taking feedback from your users!

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    Thank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.


  3. Change holdings display when a Library holds a 3 user and unlimited user copies of same title

    When a Library holds a 3 user ebook copy and an unlimited user copy, if you search for the title and access it, ProQuest shows you have access to only the 3 user copy. It would be better if it showed we have unlimited access

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    Thank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.


  4. Shared bookshelf for team

    team-bookshelf - on which a team could work together. Very participant should have the oppurtunity to bookmark/unbookmark books and also to see/have the team-bookshelf in its own account. So everybody of the team could work with the same bookshelf.

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    Thank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.


    Alana DeWitt Johnson

    Product Owner, Ebook Central

  5. Can you please make the turn away message customizable?

    When faculty members embed specific content from Ebook Central that only allows students to access materials one at a time, there is no way to customize the turn away message. This would be incredibly helpful since we have electronic materials from multiple vendors and platforms. If the student does not use the catalog, they do not realize this. But having a customizable message, such as: "Locked out of this resource? Call the library now for access!" This would help our students so much more and make our interface more user-friendly. Thank you for considering this.

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    Thank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.


    Alana DeWitt Johnson

    Product Owner, Ebook Central

  6. Friendly language for number of users

    The language used to describe number of users across all systems should be updated to be patron friendly. It is confusing for patrons and librarians!

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  7. Drop-down menu Fund Codes

    The values ​​entered in the Fund Code Controls currently only appear in the cart as a dropdown menu.
    The drop-down menu should also be displayed in the Patron Request so that you can see exactly which Fund Codes have already been created and should therefore be used

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  8. DDA - Date Removed

    It would be nice to have a "date removed" field for DDA titles. As titles are removed between file loads, patrons occasionally come across a record that has been removed from ProQuest but not from the catalog yet because the monthly file has not been created yet. If a title had a note of when it was removed from DDA, that would help clear up these problems. It would be similar to the "date added" field, but would be "date removed from DDA".

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  9. Update citation styles offered, and describe these more fully

    The version of the Chicago style offered in Ebook Central is not the latest - could it be updated? There may be other citation styles that would benefit from updating too. Please also let readers see which version of each citation style is available - e.g. labelling it as Chicago/Turabian - Notes-Bibliography (17th edition) rather than just Chicago/Turabian - Notes-Bibliography. These two improvements would bring Ebook Central into line with other ProQuest/ExLibris products such as Art & Architecture Archive and Summon.

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  10. Ebooks: Make accessibility settings suitable for disabilities.

    For accessibility with text to speech, I'd like the option to centralise the reading area on screen by hiding the book details like the non-accessible version allows, and add easy to find ways to increase size too.
    This is for the benefit of less mobile readers following along, as looking to the right will cause either neck or eye strain as desk setups are usually optimised for safe working with as little turning of the head as possible, especially when engaging with lengthy documents.

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    The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and this work has been planned on our short-term roadmap. Thank you for your feedback and support.

  11. Mediate Request library preferences

    For mediated requests and the mediate request form, we also have our settings set as "No" for mediated requests, and yet the system overrides the library's expressed preferences for mediated requests by providing users a mediate request form when the user limit has been exceeded for a title. The library's expressed preferences should take precedence over the system.

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  12. Extended Access Report

    It would be really useful to be able to generate a weekly report on all titles that we have auto-upgraded, auto-purchased or that were mediated as part of the Extended Access program. Whilst we get notifications when individual titles are triggered, a weekly report would really help with monitoring.

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  13. Allows users to move an ebook from one bookshelf to another

    Users can copy an ebook to another bookshelf and remove the ebook from a bookshelf; both of these functions are very useful. A useful addition would be the option to move an ebook from one bookshelf to another, without having to copy it and then remove it from the original bookshelf.

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  14. Allow user to save ebook to more than one bookshelf from the book info page

    On the info page ("Table of Contents and more") for an ebook, users can click the button to save the ebook to the bookshelf, but it's not possible to save it to an additional bookshelf from that same page. Users can go to the bookshelf and then copy the ebook to an additional bookshelf; it would be more intuitive if this were possible on the ebook info page as well.

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  15. Add more subjects

    Add the following subject headings under ''Browse Subjects'': Sports; Sports and Recreation

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  16. 4 votes

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    As part of our ongoing commitment to a modern and intuitive platform, we improved the Add to Bookshelf pop-up to allow patrons to add books to multiple folders. At present, these updates will only be visible on the Search Results page. However, as we progress with our updates, they will appear in additional locations throughout Ebook Central.

  17. Additional turnaways information requested

    With auto-upgrades, if an eBook is only available as a 1-user license and is in use please could it be reported as a turnaway if someone else tries to access it. Not everyone will fill in the mediated title request so I don't think we are getting a true picture of how often people can't access 1-user titles and we have quite a lot of these. It would also help make COUNTER reporting of turnaways more accurate I would guess? Thanks

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  18. Truncation for full text searches

    Righthad truncation wildcard * does not work for the full text search (search within the ebook). Researches need this functionality with in the content!

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  19. Title Report delivery

    Libcentral's Title Report can only be delivered by email, even if it's a tiny report with ten or a dozen lines. It would be nice if a download option were provided, as with the Usage Report.

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  20. Ebook Central Turnaway alert at book level

    Allow Turnaway alerts to be disabled in the Full Record View for individual titles (e.g., in Edit Book Level Permissions area). If a title is no longer available for sale on the platform and the library has made other arrangements to provide access, the Turnaway alerts are no longer used.

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