Ebook Central
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We will read every post, although we may not be able to respond to every idea or comment submitted. This information will provide our development team with valuable input on priorities for Ebook Central improvements.
153 results found
Set number of turnaways before ebook licence upgraded
It would be useful to be able to set a minimum number of turnaways (ideally from unique users) before an ebook licence is automatically upgraded or additional licences purchased.
8 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Unqiue user IDs for Turnaway Alerts
For turnaway alerts, we would like to be able to see how many of the turnaways are unique users.
7 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Please can Russian/Ukraian be added to the language settings?
Currently Russian/Ukrainian is not a alternative choice, due to the recent conflict, our college has had a high intake of learners, it would be extremely useful to hv this additional language added to eBook central
1 voteThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Fix misleading Extended Access upgrade mediation steps
In extended access 3-user/1-user Turnaway Handling it states that:
Step2: Upgrade price limit - YES - (Books above this price will be mediated)
By setting a price limit, we are stating that if the difference between a 1U and a 3U is above the ceiling set, the book should mediate. This not the case - if a general setting for autopurchases has been set, then instead of mediating the system will buy a new 1U licence (leaving you with paying for 3x1U, instead of the expected 1U + EA difference to 3U) (up to your existing copy limit)
Response from…
1 voteThank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Enable linking to a particular point on a page
When a chapter or other section of a book does not start at the top of a page, a link to that page may confuse readers who cannot immediately see the portion of text they have been asked to read. it would be great if links could also be made to the beginnings of chapters/sections; alternatively, it would be good to create links to custom-made anchors.
1 voteThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea an will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
1 vote
Thank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Alana DeWitt Johnson
Product Owner, Ebook Central
Show all lists/profiles ebook is listed in
Ebooks should show all of the lists/profiles they have been added to and if we are removing it from one list we should have the option to remove from multiple lists.
3 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea an will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Alana DeWitt Johnson
Product Owner, Ebook Central
Display access model on the patron site
Currently patrons do not know what access model we have for the ebooks on Ebook Central. Enhance the platfrom to indicate for patrons the access model of the ebook (DDA, subscription, perpetual, etc).
24 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea an will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Patron Account expired | Still active in LibCentral
Once you fill in an expiration date for a patron account, the account will be non-functioning from his day on, but the status in LibCentral still stays on "active" further on. Would there be the possibility to change the status automatically to "inactive" once the account is not useable anymore?
2 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea an will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Please let us put more than two fields in "Request Form Dropdown Field label".
Now we can put only one field in "Request Form Dropdown Field label" so we put "campus". However, it should be perfect if we could add a user status like Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Teachers, Researchers, and so on.This shoule be useful for requester statistics.
2 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea an will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Provide option to remove Ebook Central "Download Book" button
Provide option to remove the "Download Book" button from Ebook Central UI. Clicking this button results in PQ wanting access to my Adobe Digital Editions account, which does not live on my laptop computer. I’m fairly certain Digital Editions does not live on very many computers anymore. It would be very nice if this particular download option could become either our option for display, removed, disabled, or at least moved way down to the very bottom of the page. My preference would be to have the ability to either enable/disable from the admin area. The button also should communicate that…
5 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Alana DeWitt Johnson
Product Owner, Ebook Central
Full MARC records in UTF-8
MARC records in languages other than English are often garbled unless they are in UTF-8. I usually use Express MARC, but Full records included richer information are preferable. So I would like to request the release of Full MARC available in UTF-8.
8 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Show Digital Course Reserve flag on order confirmations
Would it be possible to include something in order confirmation emails to show that a purchased title is a Digital Course Reserve title. The current DCR flag on Oasis is quite small so staff may not always note that the title has restrictions on use. It would therefore be useful to be able to easily pick up any DCR titles via the order confirmation.
2 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Alana DeWitt Johnson
Product Owner, Ebook Central
Create LTI between Ebook Central and Desire to Learn (D2L)
We have successfully set up integration between EBSCO ebooks, Alexander Street streaming videos, and D2L. Ebook Central is the other main source of our ebooks so we'd like that integrated as well.
3 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Alana DeWitt Johnson
Product Owner, Ebook Central
Shared bookshelf for team
team-bookshelf - on which a team could work together. Very participant should have the oppurtunity to bookmark/unbookmark books and also to see/have the team-bookshelf in its own account. So everybody of the team could work with the same bookshelf.
4 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Alana DeWitt Johnson
Product Owner, Ebook Central
Ability to turn off mediated requests at an individual title level
It would be great to have the ability to turn off mediated requests at the individual title level when we have purchased up to our maximum number of copies. Perhaps this could be include in the Book level permissions section.
7 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
two languages needed in description
Bilingual books seem to only have one language in the description. There are children's books in english and te reo Māori, they are really only useful to people learning te reo Māori but impossible to find as they are categorised as English e.g. https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/twoa/detail.action?docID=6425713&query=kanohi
2 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea an will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Alana DeWitt Johnson
Product Owner, Ebook Central
"Load Period" to be hidden for messages of book purchase
Could the "Loan Period" shown in the automatic message template be hidden for the libraries who only adopt DDA book purchase model?
The item "Loan Period" confuses the users about accessing the books.
2 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Access model option of Purchase Matches
When looking up with eisbn in Title Match and executing Purchase Matches, it would like to be able to select the access model (e.g., 1 User, 3Users).
when several books are purchased in batches, but there is an inconvenience that I have to modify all of them because I cannot select the purchase option.
I hope it will be improved.
2 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Sarah Breiding
Product Owner
Export of Patron Request List
It would be great to be able to export the List of all items in Patron request(patron comments etc.) in an CSV file.
It would help librarians to analyse the comments and to communicate to stakeholders5 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Alana DeWitt Johnson
Product Owner, Ebook Central
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