Fix misleading Extended Access upgrade mediation steps
In extended access 3-user/1-user Turnaway Handling it states that:
Step2: Upgrade price limit - YES - (Books above this price will be mediated)
By setting a price limit, we are stating that if the difference between a 1U and a 3U is above the ceiling set, the book should mediate. This not the case - if a general setting for autopurchases has been set, then instead of mediating the system will buy a new 1U licence (leaving you with paying for 3x1U, instead of the expected 1U + EA difference to 3U) (up to your existing copy limit)
Response from Support:
'...we do need to update our documentation to accurately addresses this specific scenario, as it is not very clear at the moment - per instruction we received from product management, it looks like the expected behavior is that if the price limit is exceeded for an upgrade, and purchase automatically is selected, then it moves to purchase automatically instead of mediation; However, logically we do tend to agree with you that this isn't what we would assume would happen based on current information on the platform that doesn't put any conditions on mediation for upgrades that exceed the price limit'
remove the misleading wording
or even better
Fix the step - so that it goes straight to mediation when over the set ceiling (allowing a ceiling not to be set for those who do not want to restrict copies)

Thank you for your suggestion. The Ebook Central team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.