Ebook Central
Welcome to the Ebook Central Forum. You are invited to help us improve Ebook Central and LibCentral by posting, commenting and voting on ideas.
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We will read every post, although we may not be able to respond to every idea or comment submitted. This information will provide our development team with valuable input on priorities for Ebook Central improvements.
256 results found
Upgrade to preferred access model via Cart in LibCentral
We require the ability to upgrade to the preferred access model via Cart in LibCentral.
8 votes -
Inter-library loan of titles across consortial institutions
Would like to ‘share’ copies of ebooks with other institutions via inter-library loan. Of course, we don’t want to give our last copy, but it seems like we should be able to share our licenses because we are not creating additional copies. Ideally, this would work the same way returnables work. It’s also important that this not only work with Alma libraries, but libraries with a variety of ILSes.
6 votesWe are currently reviewing this idea and appreciate the users who are voting and commenting. Please check back here for updates and thanks for keeping our Idea Exchange active! Best, Rayna Stowe
Add access permission to Expenditure and Usage Report
For tracking costs (of user groups defined by access permissions sets) a additional column of the user access permission in the reports (exports) would be helpful.
3 votes -
More refine options - Doody's, OAT and RCL titles
I'd like to request to add more refine options such as Doody's Core Titles, Outstanding Academic Titles and Resources for College Libraries titles.
6 votes -
MARC by Holding Type
We want to receive MARC records broken out by Holding Types: Owned, Subscribed (by Collection), and DDA.
7 votes -
Change "Update Selected" or add link "Add to List" in LibCentral platform
In LibCentral, for ordering eBooks, to add titles to a list you have to choose "Update selected" which makes no sense for adding to a list.
If you provided a link to "Add to List" or change "Update Selected" to "Add to List" it would make more sense. You have "Add to Cart" in the license type, but if you do that, you still view them as a list then add them, so it's more time consuming. Just change update selected to Add to list.1 vote -
Text customize in multiple languages
Currently we can put only one type of customized text for each field. We need a functionality to put text by every language so that the appropriate customized text would be displayed if any languages are selected.
5 votes -
Refine Search by STL availability
I would like to be able to quickly refine the search results by STL availability.
2 votes -
Exclude Previously Held Titles from MARC Add Files
We want the option to exclude already owned or subscribed titles which are currently included in MARC Add Files.
5 votes -
Download from Reader for Only DDA Titles
I want to enable downloading from the Online Reader only for DDA purchases (to force users to at least look at the book before triggering an STL), but allow downloading from the title page for owned/subscribed titles.
2 votes -
Title Report delivery
Libcentral's Title Report can only be delivered by email, even if it's a tiny report with ten or a dozen lines. It would be nice if a download option were provided, as with the Usage Report.
4 votes -
Add a trigger stage to DDA Statements & Mechanism for accurately tracking triggers
ebook statements should be enhanced to indicate trigger stage (e.g. 1st trigger, 2nd trigger, purchase). Otherwise it requires manual reconciliation which is very time consuming. As well, there should be a mechanism to keep track of triggers even when a title changes price. Otherwise, customers exceed their preferred purchase settings with excessive loans.
1 vote -
Show Price to Patron
Currently if "show price to patron" option is activate, the users can see prices for all access models. I want to request only the price of SUPO can be shown.
4 votes -
Ebook Central Turnaway alert at book level
Allow Turnaway alerts to be disabled in the Full Record View for individual titles (e.g., in Edit Book Level Permissions area). If a title is no longer available for sale on the platform and the library has made other arrangements to provide access, the Turnaway alerts are no longer used.
2 votes -
Export citations for "EndNote/Citavi" are in difficult to use format
Exporting citations for "EndNote/Citavi" appear to normally result in file download named:
The customer reports (and I confirmed) that doesn't open seamlessly with Chrome on a Mac with EndNote.
Customer asks, your KB article says the files "should be downloaded as a .action or .ris file into your Downloads folder". Why not always one or the other (preferably .ris files)?
1 vote -
Would like to see an index/thesaurus in the advanced search section.
The detailed index/thesaurus would allow me to search more specifically by the criteria ProQuest uses in the indexing process--for example, if there are specific subject classifications. I would want to be able to either start typing a word in the index search bar to find a term or be able to browse alphabetically, then click on the term, which would either hyperlink to records containing that term or be able to add the term to the advanced search.
1 vote
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