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256 results found

  1. Improve pricing transparency

    Some publishers such as Elsevier or Springer multiply the base cost of the ebook. On LibCentral the price shown is not what we end up getting charged for in these cases. Could you calculate the actual cost of the ebook at the point of ordering? That way we can assess whether we want to purchase the ebook at that price or not. For example, we recently purchased one ebook for $57.51 but when the email confirmation came it was for $115.02 as Elsevier charges twice in that case.

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  2. Patrons can change view option in the reader

    Ebook viewing options
    Offer a two page view for ebooks. This would be particularly useful for graphic novels and material with graphics and tables. Adding a thumbnail option would also be a good idea

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  3. Linking and re-running search

    We'd like to be able to link into Ebook Central from another ebook database and re-run the same search on Ebook Central that was just performed on that other database

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  4. Date Title Added to DDA

    Users would like to have noted the date a title was added to a DDA list.

    **note - original Idea accidentally removed from list. We invite users who originally submitted/commented on this Idea to reach out to assist in restoring details around this Idea.

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  5. 2 votes

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  6. Track ebook upgrade costs

    If using a DDA deposit account and using this money for upgrades too, it would be useful to be able to track the cost of upgrades via the budget tracker or a separate upgrade tracker

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  7. Add setting to allow removing 'Cite Book' option on Ebook Central

    Harvard Referencing on Ebook Central does not match the Harvard referencing style used at our institution. This can sometimes cause confusion and inaccurate details on students' reference pages.

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  8. Ebooks: Make accessibility settings suitable for disabilities.

    For accessibility with text to speech, I'd like the option to centralise the reading area on screen by hiding the book details like the non-accessible version allows, and add easy to find ways to increase size too.
    This is for the benefit of less mobile readers following along, as looking to the right will cause either neck or eye strain as desk setups are usually optimised for safe working with as little turning of the head as possible, especially when engaging with lengthy documents.

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  9. Non-Linear days

    Show Non-Linear loan days remaining to Patrons

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  10. Discovery of resources - browse subjects

    We have a strong curriculum of Arts and Performing Arts, particularly Dance, at our institution. Could Performing Arts - and Dance - be added to the 'Browse Subjects' page to make it easier for academics and students to engage with texts in those areas? There are already ones which have been created for Architecture and Fine Arts, which are very helpful.

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  11. Do not send mediated alerts when there are no options for upgrade

    Currently, Ebook Central will send a mediated alert via email when a user was unable to access a limited-concurrency title. This alert will be sent regardless if the ebook is available for upgrade or not.

    My suggestion for enhancement is to offer an option to either 1) send the mediated request or 2) treat it as a turnaway when the title in question is not available for upgrade

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  12. Alma CZ collection for Ebook Central specific to geographic regions

    In Alma, the PQ-provided CZ collection for Ebook Central includes titles which are not available to some regions of the world. This means that all libraries in the United States and Canada who use the CZ collection are showing their patrons records for titles to which we do not actually provide access.

    Please create a region-specific collection for the CZ that we can use. The scale of this problem is significant: all libraries in the US and Canada who use Alma and the CZ are having the same problem with the same titles.

    Thank you!

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  13. Include subtitles in display for items added to a bookshelf.

    Items on an Ebook Central Bookshelf are displayed using the title only; the subtitle is omitted. This means that if items share a title it is difficult to differentiate them when they are on the same Bookshelf, for example items that belong to the same series.

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  14. Expand available popular management/D&I books available to government libraries

    Our customers are increasingly requesting electronic access to popular management (e.g., and diversity and inclusion (e.g., books. Currently, our government library is unable to access many titles like these, but I understand that non-government libraries have access to a larger number of titles, due to publisher/EBC license agreements.

    We would like to be able to provide access to these kinds of titles through EBC. Our alternative is to add another platform like Overdrive, which makes it difficult for our customers to find eBooks between different platforms.

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  15. Extended access: Separate automatic purchase options (price limit/copy limit) for 1 user/3 user

    Provide separate automatic purchase options (price limit/copy limit) for 1 user / 3 user titles under extended access

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  16. 1 vote

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  17. Offer KBART to customers

    It would be great if customers could get KBART of their holdings. It would help in maintaining collections in discovery systems.

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  18. Patrons can change the color of the page in the reader

    Ability to change page colour to a more muted one, as plain white is hard on the eye over a long period, this function is already in many other digital readers.

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  19. Mediate Request library preferences

    For mediated requests and the mediate request form, we also have our settings set as "No" for mediated requests, and yet the system overrides the library's expressed preferences for mediated requests by providing users a mediate request form when the user limit has been exceeded for a title. The library's expressed preferences should take precedence over the system.

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  20. By adding information about the licence model on the Detail page

    Improve usability by adding information on the Detail page for books purchased under a NL model that the options “Download PDF Chapter” and “Download PDF” in ToC does not work unless you first Download the book (check-out). As I was told when asking about it, this information is available in Libcentral. However, endusers does not have access to Libcentral. I would also suggest that you change “Download Book” on the Detail page to “Download Book (check-out)”. As a librarian I understand what check-out means and so does teachers and researchers, but necessarily not new students with low library skills. Think…

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