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28 results found

  1. Add hourly loans option at the title level

    Would like ability to add hourly loan option for selected titles, instead of only across the board permissions settings.

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    I am happy to announce that the Hourly Loans at the book level is now available for libraries to configure in LibCentral allowing more refined control over the length of hourly download restrictions.

    You can find more information about the feature and how to configure here:

    Thank you all for your valuable feedback and insights that helped us deliver this feature.

  2. Customize individual ebook's loan period

    Hi, it would be nice to be able to customize individual ebook's loan period, ie. to set the loan period for individual ebooks. I understand that now we are able to either enable or disable loan period for all ebooks. Thanks!

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  3. Can ProQuest Consider Adobe Readers Read OutLoud as a Screen Reader to use with Content Using Adobe Digital Edition

    Good Morning,

    My name is Jane Bollard, and I am a TasTAFE Librarian based in Launceston, Tasmania, Australia.

    I am writing to ProQuest regarding accessibility to your eBook content using AdobeDigital Editions 3.0.

    A read of your HELP documentation states that JAWS and NVDA are the denoted screen readers to use in conjunction with Adobe Digital Editions 3.30.

    These products were designed for blind or vision impaired users. The necessary skills to use either software might be complex for persons with a specific learning disorder where working memory is a primary symptom. For this type of cohort, a product such…

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  4. put files in Bookshelf in alphabetical order

    Please put files in the user's Bookshelf in alphabetical order. Presently, if the user has a long list of files in their bookshelf, they can not be put in alphabetical order. It is such a waste of time to try to find the file you're looking for when it is buried within a list of unalphabetized files.

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  5. Patrons can sign up for alerts

    Ability to sign up for notification when an ebook is available again, especially for one user titles.
    One user ebooks should allow users to sign up for notification when an ebook is available again on the platform. Useful tool especially for the academic institution that uses the text in the curriculum as recommended reading where we know demand is high.

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    I am happy to announce that the Wait List feature is now available for libraries to enable in LibCentral. Once the feature is enabled, patrons are able to sign up for alerts to be notified when books become available. 

    You can find more information about how to enable and use the feature in this Support Article: Ebook Central Admin: How do I enable the Wait List for my Ebook Central titles?

    Thank you all for your valuable feedback and insights that helped us make this feature intuitive and user-friendly.

  6. Daily turnaway email option

    It would be helpful to have the option to have a daily compilation of turnaways sent automatically. We don't always upgrade a licence on the first turnaway notification, and the inbox can fill very quickly. I also don't want to run a manual report every day

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    Summarized turnaway email alerts (including a csv attachment) for daily, weekly and monthly turnaways are now available. You can sign-up to receive these on the Alerts page in LibCentral.

  7. Improve visibility for the user

    To improve visibility for the user, are you able to do anything such as add a message to explain why they can’t access a title e.g. in use by someone else and advise to try later rather than “request still pending”.

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    completed  ·  1 comment  ·  User interface  ·  Admin →
  8. Talis Integration

    I would like ProQuest to work with Talis to integrate supplier information (book & ebook prices) into the Talis Aspire product. Talis Aspire has become an integral part of our ordering workflow and other book suppliers have already taken the step to integrate using an API. For us, it would create greater efficiency in stock selection as we would not need to login to multiple websites to check for prices and would almost certainly lead to us buying more books and ebooks from ProQuest.

    It would also help massively if prices shown were inclusive of VAT & discounts. This links…

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    completed  ·  rayna.stowe responded

    We’re pleased to announce that we have just completed the Talis Aspire integration with Ebook Central.

    This means that customers who use Talis Aspire to manage their reading list selection and purchasing will now see Ebook Central pricing and holdings data directly within Talis. Talis Aspire will also include a link to the book’s full record in LibCentral. We are committed to getting essential digital content to our users as quickly and seamlessly as possible. This integration does just that by dovetailing with library workflows and providing valuable details where and when you need them.

    Thanks very much for this suggestion on Idea Exchange!

  9. Hour Checkout

    We can customize downloads by the number of days. We need to be able to customize downloads by the hour as well.

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  10. Direct links to specific subscription packages

    We recently added two ebook subscriptions to the DDA and owned titles we already had on Ebook Central. Several librarians have asked for direct links to the specific collections so we can send faculty/students straight there rather than everything on Ebook Central. The closest we can get currently is by sending them to the advanced search page with instructions for searching just that collection.

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  11. Only add files with page number

    Academic customers can only really use eBooks if there are page numbers included in the files. It would be great if you could ask publishers to think about that when delivering the data - If a title is to be incluced in an academic project, is has to be citable.

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  12. Enhance Show More Option in EBC Facets

    When clicking on Show More under facets, we end up with tens and sometimes hundreds of options and need to scroll down and down in order to collapse the options again! Please make the options available in a better way like the options in Summon where we can select multiple options at the same time easily.

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  13. To add the print ISBN to Ebook Central

    To be able to find the title's alternative formats and editions If we search by the print ISBN or ISBN.

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  14. Add promo pricing deadlines in LibCentral

    Waited to purchase an eBook until July 1 so funds would fall within the new FY. However, we did not know that there was a current promo on the pricing that ended June 30th. Today I logged in to LibCentral to purchase the eBook and the price was double. Add a note when there is a promo and when the promo expires. If I would have known this, I would have purchased the eBook back in June.

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    completed  ·  rayna.stowe responded

    Hi, the expiration for promo pricing is available in the hover-over for the discount price in cart and on the Full Record page.

  15. Patrons are notified when their 5 minute browse expires; Patrons are notified when a book is available

    Over-the-license-limit-ebook access
    ProQuest allows patrons to use an e-book with limited licenses to have 5 minutes of access even if no license is available. I would suggest that such users get a notification that they have "limited" access to the book and a count-down click to show them the remaining access. If a license becomes available during those 5 minutes, a pop-up window can appear to inform them that they now have full access. If the five minutes are up, the patron should have the option to enter an e-mail or cell phone number to receive notification when a license…

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    I am happy to announce that the Wait List feature is now available for libraries to enable in LibCentral. Once the feature is enabled, patrons are able to sign up for alerts to be notified when books become available.

    You can find more information about how to enable and use the feature in this Support Article: Ebook Central Admin: How do I enable the Wait List for my Ebook Central titles?

    Thank you all for your valuable feedback and insights that helped us make this feature intuitive and user-friendly.

  16. 1 vote

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    completed  ·  rayna.stowe responded

    DRM free search filters are already available on both Ebook Central and LibCentral.

  17. 2 votes

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    completed  ·  rayna.stowe responded

    We have partnered with NYU SimpyE in a pilot program to provide EPUB files for a subset of our ebooks to be made available on the SimplyE reader.

  18. Add clear 'x' or delete all 'x' in the search box

    A delete all 'X' in the search box would allow users who input the name of a book or several search terms to more quickly delete all text.

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  19. Customizable Purchase Hierarchy

    We would like the ability to customize our autopurchase hierarchy, because our preference of Access Model does not match the Purchase Hierarchy for Ebook Central

    Also, we require the ability to exclude select Access Models so they are never purchased.

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    I am happy to announce that the Customizable Autopurchase Hierarchy feature is now available for libraries to enable in LibCentral allowing you more control over your DDA and Extended Access settings

    You can find more information about how to configure the hierarchy in this Support Article: What is the Purchase Hierarchy for Ebook Central DDA and Extended Access Autopurchases?

    Thank you all for your valuable feedback and insights that helped us deliver this feature. 

  20. For about 6 months, we encountered an issue with the users account requests. Even if access to our EBC account is proxyfied, we receive requ

    For about 6 months, we encountered an issue with the users account requests. Even if access to our EBC account is proxyfied, we receive requests from users from all over the world. We want to receive requests only from users who are authentified on our library resources webpage.

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