Hour Checkout
We can customize downloads by the number of days. We need to be able to customize downloads by the hour as well.

Hourly loan checkouts can now be enabled for all holdings! These options are not yet available at the title level. More information can be found in this support article: Ebook Central Admin: Customizing the Length of Full Ebook Downloads and Loans (proquest.com)
Leah Haisoch commented
I would like to echo Mary Barbosa-Jerez's comments. Hourly checkout is a much needed enhancement!
Mary Barbosa-Jerez commented
This is desperately needed at the title-level so that we can manage a "course-reserve" type loan for books that are only offered to limited users. During the pandemic, this has become essential for students who are in isolation, quarantine, or are studying remotely.
PLEASE consider moving this up in your development workflows!
Marynelle Chew commented
While I did turn off downloads for particular titles with limited users, many of our students live in countries where the internet is expensive and not stable. I'm sure students in the US face similar difficulties. It would be helpful to our students if they could read offline for a couple of hours--no one will read much longer than that--and helpful to their classmates if the download were shorter instead of keeping a title unavailable for an entire day.