Disable downloads for all single user licences
Currently, it's possible to disable downloads for all three user licences via the Access Permissions settings. However, it's not possible to do the same for multiple copies of single user licences - the settings include preserving reader access for one user if multiple copies are owned, and to disable downloads if only one copy is owned. But there isn't a setting to turn of downloads for all single user titles - we can only do that on a title by title basis. Could an extra option be added to the Download Days settings to turn off downloads for all single user licences?

Thank you for your suggestion. We have reviewed this idea and confirmed this functionality is already supported. Downloads can be disabled for single user licenses in LibCentral by entering "0" in the 1-user download days setting. Please find more information in this support article: https://support.proquest.com/s/article/How-do-I-disable-full-downloads-on-Ebook-Central?language=en_US
Sarah Breiding
Product Owner
Nicky Ransom commented
Thank you, I realise that you can disable downloads for individual titles, I just wondered if we could have a setting whereby we could disable downloads for ALL single user titles where we have multiple single user licences.