Can ProQuest Consider Adobe Readers Read OutLoud as a Screen Reader to use with Content Using Adobe Digital Edition
Good Morning,
My name is Jane Bollard, and I am a TasTAFE Librarian based in Launceston, Tasmania, Australia.
I am writing to ProQuest regarding accessibility to your eBook content using AdobeDigital Editions 3.0.
A read of your HELP documentation states that JAWS and NVDA are the denoted screen readers to use in conjunction with Adobe Digital Editions 3.30.
These products were designed for blind or vision impaired users. The necessary skills to use either software might be complex for persons with a specific learning disorder where working memory is a primary symptom. For this type of cohort, a product such as Adobe Readers Read Outloud is more suitable.
To accommodate those readers where neither of the software mentioned above is appropriate, can ProQuest consider Adobe Readers Read Outloud to use with Abode Digital Editions 3.0. The inclusion of the Adobe Readers Read Outloud would make ProQuest content more readily available to all and fulfilling any accessible requirements.
Any follow-up there would be much appreciated here.
I look forward to your reply.
Thank you,
Jane Bollard