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ETD Admin

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22 results found

  1. Allow Changes to ETD Orders Before Submissions Are Delivered

    Once an order has been submitted through the ETD site, payment additions cannot be made.

    For example: If a student would like to add additional print copies to an order to get the multiple product discount, or change book sizes from 6x9 to 8.5x11 (or visa-versa), add Open Access or Copyright, the ETD site is not setup to allow these order changes.

    The only changes that can currently be made to ETD orders is the removal of items already listed on the order to process credit card refunds.

    Enhancement Request: Allow orders to be changed or edited by the student…

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  2. Add Drilldown Menu to Degree Section

    On the Dissertation/Thesis Details page, add item to narrow by degree type (masters or doctoral) before student selects degree awarded (e.g., M.S., M.A., etc.)

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  3. Separate fields for title and subtitle

    Having separate fields for title and subtitle would be helpful for users who use ETD Admin reports for cataloging, and/or who use ETD Admin with Esploro integration.

    There is no foolproof way to validate that the author entered the field/s correctly, because the things that often indicate a subtitle could also have other meanings on occasion. But it could be very helpful if the system could look for certain characters (like a colon or a question mark) and then do a popup like this: "It looks like your title might include a subtitle. Please be sure to use the designated…

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  4. Add "please don't copy/paste from PDF" note near Abstract text box

    If you copy/paste the abstract from a PDF, it includes all the line breaks. If the abstract is on more than one page, it copies the page number(s) too.

    My library uses ExLibris Esploro, and it's set up that when we deliver something to Proquest, it imports automatically to Esploro. So, if the abstract is full of line breaks, we have to fix them by hand at some point. If we can have the student take care of that instead by telling them not to copy/paste from the PDF, would be nice.

    Edit to add: This is the page I…

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  5. Auto lock ETDs after student submission

    Enable an auto lock feature after students submit

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  6. Change Department list to a drill-down section (and maybe include degree?)

    Giving students a long list to choose from, especially when they're in that "Oh please I just want to be finished" stage of degree completion, is not very friendly, if we can have a drill-down instead. This would be especially useful if, as at my institution, some departments in different schools have similar names.

    If we can mimic the way Qualtrics handles drill-downs, you just create it with a simple .csv file, which you just edit and re-upload to make updates. It creates however many levels as there are columns in the spreadsheet, but if you just want one big…

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  7. Separate field for author name suffixes

    Currently, when Joe Schmoe Jr. submits his work, there's a good chance he puts "Schmoe Jr." as his last name, meaning that when I try to search by last name later on, "Schmoe" doesn't find him. A separate field for Jr./III/Sr./etc would be very helpful.

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  8. Allow changes to the delivery address after work is submitted for publishing

    Allow students to change their delivery address through the ETD site, before submission is delivered for publishing.

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  9. Allow changes to degree name after work is submitted for publishing

    Allow students and administrators to change the degree name if a wrong degree is selected.

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  10. Allow for non-traditional / non-pdf File Types as main file

    For graduate programs that have a movie or audio file as the primary output of the program, I would like to have that file be the primary file. Currently the ETD Administrator workaround of putting in "placeholder" pdf and including the main file as a supplemental file does not meet my needs.

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  11. 3 votes

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  12. Create the capability to restore withdrawn submissions

    Restore withdrawn submissions. We could avoid duplicates by creating an "associate" or "pin" function wherein submissions could be attached.

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  13. Change name prompt to "name as appears on title page"

    This would be useful to libraries that use reports to aid with cataloging.

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  14. Allow items from a single order to be shipped to multiple addresses

    Currently, all bound copies ordered during the ETD Admin submission process must be shipped to the same address. Authors often wish to order copies for family members, academic advisors, etc., and have them shipped directly to the recipient.

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  15. Add note under the Institutional Student ID field

    We’ve seen some cases where a student has entered in the wrong text instead of their correct Harvard ID number. Will you please add a note under the Institutional Student ID field that says, “Harvard HUID”.

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  16. readers

    The second reader was Mike Stallard, PhD. The external reader was Mark Saucy, PhD.

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  17. Prevent student from submitting ETD if embargo is requested and and embargo document isn't uploaded to the submission

    Some schools require students to upload a signed approval form to the Administrative Documents page when requesting a ProQuest or IR embargo. These institutions would like to have a rule making upload of the Administrative Document required iff the student has requested an embargo.

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  18. Create ETD Submission Windows

    We have very strict dates during which students can submit their thesis or dissertation each term. It would be nice to be able to set up submission start/end dates so that students can submit their ETD only during that term's submission window. However, students who already made a submission within the window but require additional changes outside that window, should be able to continue making updates until the admin approves the ETD.

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  19. 4 votes

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  20. Add authenticated ORCID iD functionality to ETD Administrator

    Currently, the form field for ORCID requires manual entry of an ORCID iD. This leaves room for error and typos, and does not allow for transfer of data between ORCID and the ETD system.

    ProQuest should build in an option for institutions to either use the Public or Member ORCID API to gather authenticated ORCID iDs along with the ETD submissions, thereby ensuring that the ORCID iDs collected are accurate.

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