Add authenticated ORCID iD functionality to ETD Administrator
Currently, the form field for ORCID requires manual entry of an ORCID iD. This leaves room for error and typos, and does not allow for transfer of data between ORCID and the ETD system.
ProQuest should build in an option for institutions to either use the Public or Member ORCID API to gather authenticated ORCID iDs along with the ETD submissions, thereby ensuring that the ORCID iDs collected are accurate.

Colin Lukens commented
Consider making the "create ORCID" button, currently in the student submission area, have an editable link. Currently, the button sends students to, but we'd like it to send students to our university resource to create and connect an ORCID to our institution.
Diane Kinney commented
If you do institute the API lookup, it would be good to still allow us to edit the name field. Very few students seem to use the same name for the record, and for their ETD title page.
Diane Kinney commented
Admins should be able to edit the ORCID field. When students do everything right, except there's an extraneous space in the ORCID, or they enter it as a URL rather than just the digits, having them fix it takes much more time than it would to just let admins, who have power to change everything else anyway (save for an order), do it.