Prevent student from submitting ETD if embargo is requested and and embargo document isn't uploaded to the submission
Some schools require students to upload a signed approval form to the Administrative Documents page when requesting a ProQuest or IR embargo. These institutions would like to have a rule making upload of the Administrative Document required iff the student has requested an embargo.

Anonymous commented
At my institution we do not require the student to submit an embargo document. Would this be an opt-in feature?
Anonymous commented
Would this be an opt-in feature?
J. Christian Sweatt commented
While we don't have a document to upload at UCSF, we do require approval of the embargo request from the Dean's office, and this approval is located within our student information system. Once I see this approval, I can process the ETD submission. Perhaps also build in an approval workflow option that allows the embargo approver to indicate approval. Since approval workflows now exist within ETD, this should be a good use-case.