Add Price Limit for Extended Access Upgrades
We need a way to control the automatic Upgrade purchase via Extended Access if the cost over a specified amount.
Thanks to everyone who voted on this great idea! This will be released afternoon (EST) tomorrow (Sept. 10). We are really excited to offer more ways for you to manage your budget, prevent turnaways & upgrade to your preferred access model, if a book is requested via mediation. Please see the Access Permissions, Mediated Requests & Expenditure Report documentation, which gives more details about this new feature.
Kenny commented
Extended access upgrades and autopurchase - should be treated separately and have their own price limits. We are unable to use automatic upgrades because as per financial regulations we must be able to approve purchases over a certain amount, and this is not possible at the moment.
Michelle Morgan commented
We would also very much like the ability to specify a price limit on Upgrades, in the same way that we can for the Purchase Automatically option in Extended Access.