Modify the label of "Settings" and "Language"
My client suggests it's hard for them to get back to original language settings from other language settings.
Because they can't understand the meanings of other language label.
So I have 3 options to resolve the issue.
1.Put English menu next to original label. Ex. 設定:Settings, 使用言語:Launguage
2.Put images to each menu. Ex. Gear mark for Settings, globe mark for Language
3. Place a language setting menu to top page menu bar like a Web of science.
These would help clients to understand the meanings intuitively.

As part of our ongoing commitment to a modern and intuitive platform, we have simplified and added icons to the global navigation bar. At present, these updates will only be visible on the Search Results page. However, as we progress with our updates, they will appear in additional locations throughout Ebook Central.