Offer KBART to customers
It would be great if customers could get KBART of their holdings. It would help in maintaining collections in discovery systems.

Lucia Hundhammer commented
Our university library has purchased thousands of e-books from Proquest over the years using Pick & Choose. We want to be able to make these holdings available in our library catalogs.
The ERM tool of the new library system FOLIO allows the import of licensed titles as KBART files and would also enable the automatic update of KBART lists, saving us library customers a lot of work.
At the moment we have to export our "owned titles" in the admin area in the "Express MARC(UTF8)" format, then convert them using a MARC2KBART converter. Then we have to laboriously edit the result until the format corresponds to the KBART-NISO standard (removing special characters, filling the title_id column afterwards, deleting subtitles, etc.). This process is very time-consuming and can certainly be automated by Proquest so that licensing and ERM are made more customer-friendly. -
Juliane Samuel commented
kbarts are developing into a widely used data format. I need it for my daily work. To manage the ebooks of Ebook central KBarts are urgently necessary to get from the supplier of the ebooks, as they are from different publishers and I am not able to create them by myself in my working days.
W.C. commented
I agree. Creating a KBART form scratch takes a lot of time that most of us don't have to spare.
Cliff Buschhart commented
KBART holdings data would also be really helpful to use in electronic resource management systems.
Tosca O. Gonsalves commented
I support this proposal - it is indeed the case that discovery systems work with KBARTs and while many collections are maintained by vendors, librarians often have to tweak or add collections in which case having titles in this standard format is very helpful.