Allow a book to be saved to multiple folders within the same bookshelf

As part of our ongoing commitment to a modern and intuitive platform, we improved the Add to Bookshelf pop-up to allow patrons to add books to multiple folders. At present, these updates will only be visible on the Search Results page. However, as we progress with our updates, they will appear in additional locations throughout Ebook Central.
Anonymous commented
I'm already able to do this, but I have to open a folder that it's already in, and then it gives me the option to save to another folder.
It would be nice if instead of just having an icon showing that a book has already been saved that there could be an option that says what folder it's in and asks if I'd like to save it to another folder. -
Hilary Richmond commented
Very useful if the same textbook is of use to several modules/assignments (the annotations would also need to be unique within a named folder - perhaps "a complete Research" folder could have all of the annotations??