Patrons can clearly see turnaway message; Librarians can customize turnaway message
Ebook Central turnaway messages
The existing turnaway message that users are given is hidden in not very clear text, in the middle of the screen, amoungst other things. a student with sight issues flagged this as hard to see, and they are right.
The current message of 'All copies are currently in use' should be in bold, or make much clearer in any other way.
Even the ability to customise this message would be useful.

Thank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! We will keep this in mind for future consideration.
Liesl Cottrell commented
Please, please make the turn away message customizable!! It's so difficult to communicate with our patrons about materials they are locked out of when we have the SAME material from a different vendor or in a different location in our collection.
Thank you for considering this.