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We will read every post, although we may not be able to respond to every idea or comment submitted. This information will provide our development team with valuable input on priorities for OASIS improvements.
16 results found
E-Book titles - Display "Not Available" phrases in RED LETTERS
Can you display the "Not Available: No sales rights in your region" phrase in the Title Details tab and the "Not Available" phrase in the title record, in RED LETTERS. Presently they are in black letters and hard to spot. I consider these phrases as a Status or a Cancellation, which you display in red or orange letters.
40 votes -
Vertical Split Screen Option
A vertical split screen, as opposed to the current horizontal split screen, would better utilize the computer monitor's screen space. I could scroll through my list on the left, while easily viewing the order or title information on the right. Currently, I have barely enough room on the screen to view two titles on the top split and still see the order/title information on the bottom split.
27 votesHi everyone
With the recent release of the new checkout experience, we are excited to announce that we will now begin scoping out and implementing a new search browsing experience. This new experience will make much better use of screen real estate and allow you to browse titles in a much more user-friendly manner. We have designed and tested the new concept and received lots of positive feedback from our users.
This will be a large project and will likely take 5+ months to build. I will keep you posted as we reach milestones.
View order status all on one page
We would like to be able to view all order statuses on one page, like you would with Amazon. That way we wouldn't have to click on each title for to see the status. That takes too much time.
8 votesWe are currently exploring ways to make statuses more visible and prominent in the browse experience.
Please reach out to me at kevan.mcgowan@proquest.com to review the new design
Add print/copy/download limits to eBook 'Title details' tab
Print/copy/download limits set by publishers are not visible via Oasis for eBooks hosted on Ebook Central. It would be useful to have this information available in Oasis in order to assist with making purchasing decisions. Suggested to add to the 'Title details' tab under pricing/licensing information in similar format as it displays in LibCentral. e.g. Print: 1% Copy: 1%
6 votes -
Multi-Tab Feature
Multi-Tab Feature would be more efficient that the current single-view option. For instance, if I'm in a list and realize I need to do a search, I leave my list and then have to come back to it. This can happen frequently and if I could just open another tab for searching or referencing another list, it would make things easier. If I add an item from the search tab to a list that is on a tab currently being viewed, a "refresh list" button would be nice.
4 votes -
3 votes
Change chronology of standing order items to year-month instead of month-year
When searching for standing orders, the titles appear in multiples, one for each volume published. When sorting them by date, they are sorted alphabetically by month, with the year written second (not useful!). I suggest that the dates be written as (year)-(numerical month), so that they could sort chronologically.
3 votes -
Please add a field for ebook Format to OASIS (in title details)
Knowing whether or not an ebook is available at EPUB or PDF or both is a critical data point for us to know before we purchase an ebook. Please include a field for ebook format in the "title details" section.
3 votes -
3 votes
Oclc record delivery
Currently, if you want OCLC record data, you have to get an amalgamation of what is in the ProQuest database and the OCLC info that database has on hand.
I would like to get the unaltered OCLC record itself as it exists in OCLC’s worldcat database. It would be fine if the TOC and summary services overlaid their info in the 505 and 520 fields (as well as a customized 845 field for institution specific linking), but we find the ProQuest amalgam record to usually be of lower quality than the matched OCLC record.
Understandably, we could also use the…
2 votes -
Add account column to fund purchasing activity report
Add account info column to activity reports so that data in resulting Excel spreadsheet can be filtered by account number.
1 vote -
Including BIB# on order slip that is in book
As the inclusion of the bib would be useful for cataloguing purposes, it should be fairly simple to add it to the information that is on the delivery/order slip that is inserted into a book. It would save the cataloguers having to look it up.
1 vote -
eBook licence display
Oasis already displays the licence types for e-books, so perhaps they could just change the current statement from “Download and online” to:
“Full download and online” for e-books which can be downloaded in full and “Partial download and online” for e-books which are only licenced for partial download
1 vote -
Fund code tree/sub-directory
Would like the ability to also assign fund sub-codes to orders. For example, select a faculty as the main fund, then choose from a list of program sub-codes.
1 vote -
Mobile Version of OASIS
Are there any plans to create a mobile version of OASIS for other devices but computers/laptops? It is not possible to even update one's shopping cart and send titles to acquisitions via iPhone or similar devices. Would be highly appreciated.
1 vote -
MARC data: Unique identifier for each copy
When multiple copies of the same title are ordered (either ordered at the same time, or perhaps a 2nd copy ordered a few months after the 1st), we'd like each copy to have a different unique identification number. Currently, the identifier appears to be on the bib record level, so each copy has the same number. This causes issues when we import MARC records into our system (OCLC WorldShare Management Services) because the system thinks each additional copy is a duplicate/redundant import of the same item and rejects all but the first copy. Having a different identifier for each copy…
1 vote
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