Oclc record delivery
Currently, if you want OCLC record data, you have to get an amalgamation of what is in the ProQuest database and the OCLC info that database has on hand.
I would like to get the unaltered OCLC record itself as it exists in OCLC’s worldcat database. It would be fine if the TOC and summary services overlaid their info in the 505 and 520 fields (as well as a customized 845 field for institution specific linking), but we find the ProQuest amalgam record to usually be of lower quality than the matched OCLC record.
Understandably, we could also use the worldcat collection manager option, but then we don’t get order and invoice info in the 9xx fields that we require. This feature is analogous to the OCLCPlus feature available within GOBI.