Improve order confirmation emails for GOBI
We currently place most of our ebook orders through GOBI. The order confirmation emails we receive from Ebook Central are pretty minimal. They only include the Title, Author, EISBN and access url. I opened a support ticket about this, but was told "orders submitted from YBP/GOBI provide limited details compared to the direct LibCentral order confirmations" and that I should submit an Idea Exchange request because it wasn't currently on their roadmap to fix this. It would be extremely helpful if these minimal emails at least included access model purchased. We make special notes for titles purchased with limited user access models and having that information in the order confirmation email would be beneficial.

AdminAnonymous (Admin, ProQuest) commented
This idea is being closed as part of our annual clean-up process (criteria for closure: older than 12 months, fewer than 10 votes). If you would like to reopen this idea for future consideration, please contact We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Idea Exchange process.
Sarah Breiding
Product Owner