Allow customization of the Short Term Loan Alert email
We would like to be able to include the STL price and the purchase price in the Short Term Loan Alert emails that go out to staff, but those alerts are not customizable. They were customizable in EBL. I contacted support about it shortly after we upgraded and they told me it was not possible in Ebook Central.
We use that information to decide if we want to go ahead and purchase the ebook after fewer STLs than the default. Not having that information immediately available in the email means we have to go look for it somewhere else.

This idea is being closed as part of our annual clean-up process (criteria for closure: older than 12 months, fewer than 10 votes). If you would like to reopen this idea for future consideration, please contact ebooksPMAnswers ( We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Idea Exchange process.
Sarah Breiding
Product Owner
Adminushma.bhatia (Admin, ProQuest) commented
Thank you for submitting this enhancement request. We are currently reviewing this, and gathering additional information. In the meantime, please continue to provide more feedback! We will keep the status updated of the project update here.