Getting usage data through API · future consideration
Data use for research · under review
Find alternate solutions to manage downloads. · planned
Add country data to the Usage Report export · closed
Provide forthcoming ebook information, especially for new editions · future consideration
Automatically email weekly usage summary · future consideration
Allow One-Time Data Entry of Multiple ETD Department Names
Improve layout
Include the Publication Number in a submission's XML data · under review
Develop a possibility to get necessary usage data automatically through REST API. · closed
Add authenticated ORCID iD functionality to ETD Administrator · under review
Ebook Central Upgrade Report · future consideration
Data from "Minor/Major Revisions" to be included in the email notifications we receive when student's submit a revision
MARC data: Unique identifier for each copy
Please add a field for ebook Format to OASIS (in title details)
Include order information in MARC records · closed
Curated Topics · closed
Counter reports should reflect usage for collection as it was on the dates selected (instead of as it was on the date run) · closed
two languages needed in description · future consideration
Tracking on number of times their dessertations or Theses being cited by others · under review