Data from "Minor/Major Revisions" to be included in the email notifications we receive when student's submit a revision
Currently, when students submit a revision, we receive email notifications letting us know that the student revised their ETD. The email provides a link to ProQuest where we can access the newly submitted PDF.
I would like to suggest an idea for these email notifications to include the data from the minor/major revision we requested so that prior to viewing the ETD, we are reminded of the details of the revision we requested for the student to make.
Or if that's not possible, maybe a link that goes to the "View Decisions" page so we can review the original request for revision that we sent.
Often times when I receive an email notifying me that the student revised their ETD, I have to go to the "View Decision" page and check the description of the revision first. Then I check their newly submitted ETD to look for the changes.