Ebook Central
Welcome to the Ebook Central Forum. You are invited to help us improve Ebook Central and LibCentral by posting, commenting and voting on ideas.
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We will read every post, although we may not be able to respond to every idea or comment submitted. This information will provide our development team with valuable input on priorities for Ebook Central improvements.
15 results found
Apply auto-upgrades to a set or collection of eBooks rather than ALL owned eBooks
The default setting for auto-upgrades makes all owned content eligible for auto-upgrade when this setting is selected. For institutions that have been buying 1-user or 3-user models for a long period, moving to auto-upgrades could have significant budget implications. We'd like to be able to apply auto-upgrades to select sets or collections of eBooks (DDA pool, course reserves, assigned course materials) rather than to all owned content.
3 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Sarah Breiding
Product Owner
Set number of turnaways before ebook licence upgraded
It would be useful to be able to set a minimum number of turnaways (ideally from unique users) before an ebook licence is automatically upgraded or additional licences purchased.
8 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Allow use of Waitlist for those who have auto-upgrades in place
Please develop the capability to enable the WaitList feature for specific titles for those libraries who have auto-upgrade enabled. This is an important feature for some titles being used for courses.
6 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Enable subject-based activation of Open Access Collection titles
The full Open Access Collection may not be relevant for an institution's patrons. It would be good if you could do a subject-based activation of only PARTS of the collection, in place of the entire collection. Currently you have to do exactly that and then deselect topics or single titles afterwards - which is rather cumbersome.
1 voteThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Ability to turn off mediated requests at an individual title level
It would be great to have the ability to turn off mediated requests at the individual title level when we have purchased up to our maximum number of copies. Perhaps this could be include in the Book level permissions section.
7 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Patrons can return books early
To allow return of book earlier after download, so that the book can be available for other users.
Each ebook will have a specific number of concurrent user access. However, if a user downloads a book, this is tied to a fixed number of days, before the book can be free-up for other users to access. The function should allow users to return the book earlier, so that others can also access the eBook earlier.80 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! We will keep this in mind for future consideration.
The Library should be able to stop patrons from Request title if the Library has purchased max amount of 1user only.
Ebook Central Admin: Why did I get a mediated request for this title?
- Extended access enabled and set to upgrade automatically, but no upgraded access model is available, or the upgrade price exceeds the upgrade price limit.
Suggestion for change:
The Library should be able to stop patrons from Request title if the Library has purchased max amount of 1user only. Example: A library owns 3 copies of a 1-user copy of an ebook and the ebook is currently in use. The Library have purchased total 3user access so the Library have enough licenses according to their policies. The patron…
3 votes -
Support HAN server (reverse) authentication
Please officially support authentication methode via HAN server.
https://www.hh-han.com/en/concept.cfm6 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.
Allow the ability to change the extended access settings for individual titles
This has come up when new editions of owned copies of titles come out. We don't want to turn off the visibility of the owned copy but we also don't want to trigger additional upgrades or purchases.
10 votes -
Bulk update Book Level Permissions for a set of owned ebooks
We would like to have the ability to run a job to bulk update/change the Download Days and Online Reader Loan Days in the Book Level Permissions parameters for a list of owned ebooks. Ideally, this would be for both making initial changes to the individual book permissions and for reverting the permissions back to the default general settings.
28 votesThank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! We will keep this in mind for future consideration.
Expand autopurchase price limit options to be cumulative for a title
Currently, the extended access autopurchase price limit only applies to a single automatic purchase.
It would be helpful to have a cumulative price threshold that could be set at the title level that considered the total cost of both upgrades and autopurchases for each title.
10 votes -
Allow for greater interplay between price and number of additional copies in Extended Access
We would like to be able to control the number of additional copies purchased relative to the price of the title. If we have a price cap of $500 on the purchase of additional copies and the purchase of an additional copy falls well beneath that price cap, we would like the opportunity to increase the limit on the number of additional copies purchased.
6 votes -
Can ProQuest develop Okta as an SSO option for Ebook Central?
Can ProQuest develop Okta as an SSO option for Ebook Central?
Additional Questions:
Has ProQuest worked with any schools or organizations to use Okta for SSO?
If Okta SSO for Ebook Central can be developed, will it also work to sign students into their "My Research" accounts when they are using the other ProQuest research databases?
If an SSO solution is implemented for off campus and BYOD students, can "on campus" users still get ProQuest access by IP authentication?
What steps would be involved in implementing SSO with ProQuest?
Tim Baker
National Defense University Library3 votes -
Please support IPv6 IP addressing
5 votes -
Ebook Central Turnaway alert at book level
Allow Turnaway alerts to be disabled in the Full Record View for individual titles (e.g., in Edit Book Level Permissions area). If a title is no longer available for sale on the platform and the library has made other arrangements to provide access, the Turnaway alerts are no longer used.
4 votes
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