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99 results found

  1. Download from Reader for Only DDA Titles

    I want to enable downloading from the Online Reader only for DDA purchases (to force users to at least look at the book before triggering an STL), but allow downloading from the title page for owned/subscribed titles.

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    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  2. local access permissions control consortia titles

    When a consortium member library has different book download settings on its account than a consortium from which it inherits content, the library's own settings should govern access to consortium-purchased books when users access through that library's account.

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    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  3. Allow individual site-level access permission control for consortium-provided content

    We have an ebook collection that's provided by a consortium. We'd like to remove the "download book" link for users of our library, but that can only be done at the consortium level.

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    This idea is being closed as part of our annual clean-up process (criteria for closure: older than 12 months, fewer than 10 votes). If you would like to reopen this idea for future consideration, please contact ebooksPMAnswers ( We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Idea Exchange process. 


    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  4. Clarify Availability messages in French - Améliorer messages de Disponibilité

    The Availability message "Copy is not available for this book" is not accurately translated when using the French interface. It looks as though there are no copies available instead of "no copying allowed". I suggest the following text instead :
    “Il est impossible de copier le livre intégral”
    (instead of “Aucune copie n’est disponible pour ce livre”)

    Similarly the message " Print and chapter download are not available for this book" is not accurate in French. I suggest the following :
    "Il est impossible d’imprimer ou de télécharger des chapitres individuels de ce livre"
    (instead of "Il est impossible d'imprimer…

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    This idea is being closed as part of our annual clean-up process (criteria for closure: older than 12 months, fewer than 10 votes). If you would like to reopen this idea for future consideration, please contact We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Idea Exchange process. 


    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  5. Allow editing on title landing pages

    Hello, we'd like to either be able to edit or suggest what appears on the landing page for e-books. Extraneous language about downloading e-books has been confusing, in particular when this is not required. Also, many students seem to be accessing through their phones, and we'd like to add language that explains how best to do that. I tried to attach a highlighted screen shot but it wouldn't let me. I am happy to send. Thank you so much for considering!

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    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  6. Subjects are translated to patron's preferred language in Search Results

    Sujets en francais
    Après avoir exécuté une recherche, les sujets proposés sont inscrits en anglais, alors que l'interface est en français.

    Ils devraient être présentés en français

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    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  7. Simply E app

    It would be great if the platform was compatible with the Simply E app, as an alternative to Digital Editions.

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    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  8. Linking and re-running search

    We'd like to be able to link into Ebook Central from another ebook database and re-run the same search on Ebook Central that was just performed on that other database

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    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  9. Add setting to allow removing 'Cite Book' option on Ebook Central

    Harvard Referencing on Ebook Central does not match the Harvard referencing style used at our institution. This can sometimes cause confusion and inaccurate details on students' reference pages.

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    This idea is being closed as part of our annual clean-up process (criteria for closure: older than 12 months, fewer than 10 votes). If you would like to reopen this idea for future consideration, please contact We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Idea Exchange process. 


    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  10. Alma CZ collection for Ebook Central specific to geographic regions

    In Alma, the PQ-provided CZ collection for Ebook Central includes titles which are not available to some regions of the world. This means that all libraries in the United States and Canada who use the CZ collection are showing their patrons records for titles to which we do not actually provide access.

    Please create a region-specific collection for the CZ that we can use. The scale of this problem is significant: all libraries in the US and Canada who use Alma and the CZ are having the same problem with the same titles.

    Thank you!

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    This idea is being closed as part of our annual clean-up process (criteria for closure: older than 12 months, fewer than 10 votes). If you would like to reopen this idea for future consideration, please contact We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Idea Exchange process. 


    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  11. Include subtitles in display for items added to a bookshelf.

    Items on an Ebook Central Bookshelf are displayed using the title only; the subtitle is omitted. This means that if items share a title it is difficult to differentiate them when they are on the same Bookshelf, for example items that belong to the same series.

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    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  12. By adding information about the licence model on the Detail page

    Improve usability by adding information on the Detail page for books purchased under a NL model that the options “Download PDF Chapter” and “Download PDF” in ToC does not work unless you first Download the book (check-out). As I was told when asking about it, this information is available in Libcentral. However, endusers does not have access to Libcentral. I would also suggest that you change “Download Book” on the Detail page to “Download Book (check-out)”. As a librarian I understand what check-out means and so does teachers and researchers, but necessarily not new students with low library skills. Think…

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    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  13. Including bib# on ebookcentral order confirmation email

    It would be useful to cataloguers if the bib# was also on the order confirmation email. It should be easy enough to have it machine generated.

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    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  14. 1 vote

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    This idea is being closed as part of our annual clean-up process (criteria for closure: older than 12 months, fewer than 10 votes). If you would like to reopen this idea for future consideration, please contact We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Idea Exchange process. 


    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  15. I'd like to analyze usage by series-titles, as well as individual titles and publishers.

    Currently I have no way of determining which series are most used by users without looking title by title. I'd like a quicker and easier way of determining which series have gained and lost usage year by year - so as to identify which series titles should be acquired or left out of selective purchasing.

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    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  16. 1 vote

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    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  17. Music Category?

    We have recently signed up to ProQuest and love the resources. However when searching there is a great list of categories like Law, History, Science and Arts however Music is missing. Is there a way to put this in maybe under Arts?

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    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  18. Automatically allow 7-day loan when 1-day and 7-day are same price

    In LibCentral, System Settings, General Permission, DDA tab, we checked off "1 day" and "7 day" loan periods for patrons. Many times, the price for a 1-day or 7-day loan is the same. In this case, we want patrons to choose "7-day loan", because this will help keep costs down. Sometimes they end up incurring multiple 1-day loans in the course of a week.

    The problem is, the patron doesn't know that the price is the same, and often checks "1-day".

    Is there any way to force a 7-day loan when the price is the same as a 1-day?

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    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  19. Batch deleting patron accounts

    It would be very useful to be able to batch delete patron accounts, rather than having to do them one by one. It would save a lot of time if you could input a list of names or email addresses and delete them all in one go.

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    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  20. Ability to create Marc delivery filters

    We would love the ability to create a filter by publication date and subject specifically for delivering the marcs for a subset of subscribed titles. We only want to add to our catalog the titles most likely to be used by our patrons which are recent STEM titles.

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    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

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