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4 results found

  1. Customize individual ebook's loan period

    Hi, it would be nice to be able to customize individual ebook's loan period, ie. to set the loan period for individual ebooks. I understand that now we are able to either enable or disable loan period for all ebooks. Thanks!

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  2. Add hourly loans option at the title level

    Would like ability to add hourly loan option for selected titles, instead of only across the board permissions settings.

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    I am happy to announce that the Hourly Loans at the book level is now available for libraries to configure in LibCentral allowing more refined control over the length of hourly download restrictions.

    You can find more information about the feature and how to configure here:

    Thank you all for your valuable feedback and insights that helped us deliver this feature.

  3. Hour Checkout

    We can customize downloads by the number of days. We need to be able to customize downloads by the hour as well.

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  4. Add Price Limit for Extended Access Upgrades

    We need a way to control the automatic Upgrade purchase via Extended Access if the cost over a specified amount.

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    completed  ·  rayna.stowe responded

    Thanks to everyone who voted on this great idea! This will be released afternoon (EST) tomorrow (Sept. 10). We are really excited to offer more ways for you to manage your budget, prevent turnaways & upgrade to your preferred access model, if a book is requested via mediation. Please see the Access Permissions, Mediated Requests & Expenditure Report documentation, which gives more details about this new feature.

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