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99 results found

  1. We have disabled the “Download Book” link for ProQuest ebooks. Is there any way to have this button removed from the item page? We’ve found

    We have disabled functionality of the “Download Book” option in Ebook Central. We would like to suggest the option to also have this button removed from pages for titles when this function is disabled. Having it appear on this page when the function is disabled is proving to be confusing for some of our students, and we have received several complaints.

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  2. DDA and non-linear e-books in OCLC collection manager

    We have a DDA with ProQuest and an autofeed for ProQuest content in OCLC collection manager. It occured to us that when the credits points of a non-linear book are spent before the 325 days of usage have been reached and the publication is temporarily not available the title remains visible in OCLC discovery as 'purchased'. Ideally the title should be migrated from the 'purchased' to the 'DDA' collection during the time the title is not available, and moved back to the purchased collection as soon as new 'credit points' have been assigned

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    This idea is being closed as part of our annual clean-up process (criteria for closure: older than 12 months, fewer than 10 votes). If you would like to reopen this idea for future consideration, please contact ebooksPMAnswers ( We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Idea Exchange process. 


    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  3. Title Reports - include Date Added

    It would be helpful to have the Date Added (to platform) included in the Export Field Chooser, as well as display in the html report.

    Date Added is currently available as a search limiter, and displays in the record view of LibCentral.

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    This idea is being closed as part of our annual clean-up process (criteria for closure: older than 12 months, fewer than 10 votes). If you would like to reopen this idea for future consideration, please contact ebooksPMAnswers ( We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Idea Exchange process. 


    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  4. Alter the default Subject wording when "sending" an eBook folder

    Currently says "An eBooks folder has been sent to you". To the receiver it appears to come from ebooksupport @ proquest. . . with no hint as to actual sender unless they have altered the message! Would be more helpful if it could be: [Your Name] has sent you an eBooks folder

    Where Your Name is in italics or perhaps even . . .has sent you an eBooks folder so hopefully prompting the sender to edit.

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    This idea is being closed as part of our annual clean-up process (criteria for closure: older than 12 months, fewer than 10 votes). If you would like to reopen this idea for future consideration, please contact ebooksPMAnswers ( We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Idea Exchange process. 


    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  5. Block access to notes during digital exams

    We sometimes allow our students to access (specific) online books during examination. However, one of our students pointed out that he could then also access his notes (thus, prepare specific notes for fraudulent behavior). We then further realized students could also share their notes, add their answers during the exam in the form of a note and share them with other students. This is an unwanted situation and we would like to request a way to temporarily block access to notes during an exam. (Alternatively, we could download a copy, which is what I did today. However, since there is…

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    This idea is being closed as part of our annual clean-up process (criteria for closure: older than 12 months, fewer than 10 votes). If you would like to reopen this idea for future consideration, please contact ebooksPMAnswers ( We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Idea Exchange process. 


    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  6. Pop up to inform users of implications of downloading to a public computer

    At the moment there is a pop up that asks users whether they are using a private or public computer but no prompt is given for either choice - need a pop-up customisable by the library to explain implications of using a public computer

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    This idea is being closed as part of our annual clean-up process (criteria for closure: older than 12 months, fewer than 10 votes). If you would like to reopen this idea for future consideration, please contact We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Idea Exchange process. 


    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  7. 1 vote

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    This idea is being closed as part of our annual clean-up process (criteria for closure: older than 12 months, fewer than 10 votes). If you would like to reopen this idea for future consideration, please contact We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Idea Exchange process. 


    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  8. 1 vote

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    This idea is being closed as part of our annual clean-up process (criteria for closure: older than 12 months, fewer than 10 votes). If you would like to reopen this idea for future consideration, please contact We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Idea Exchange process. 


    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  9. Request to split out Academic Complete from transactionally purchased items

    We would like the ability to split out Academic Complete from transactionally purchased items.

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    This idea is being closed as part of our annual clean-up process (criteria for closure: older than 12 months, fewer than 10 votes). If you would like to reopen this idea for future consideration, please contact We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Idea Exchange process. 


    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  10. Track Changes in Access Permissions/System Settings

    We would like to be able to track any changes made to our Access Permissions and other Settings.
    An added benefit would be for an alert to be sent to those accounts with the ability to edit these settings any time that a change is made.
    This will greatly assist us in gauging the impact of any changes made and in tracking trends.

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    This idea is being closed as part of our annual clean-up process (criteria for closure: older than 12 months, fewer than 10 votes). If you would like to reopen this idea for future consideration, please contact ebooksPMAnswers ( We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Idea Exchange process. 


    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  11. Change passwords during the Monday - Friday work week.

    This will allow library staff the opportunity to notify customers about password changes and will prevent customer frustration with being unable to access database information over the weekend and during holiday breaks.

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    This idea is being closed as part of our annual clean-up process (criteria for closure: older than 12 months, fewer than 10 votes). If you would like to reopen this idea for future consideration, please contact We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Idea Exchange process. 


    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  12. Include order information in MARC records

    We would like to request an option to include our order data in the MARC records supplied from Ebook Central purchases (currently available from Oasis). This will enable us to generate order records attached to our bibs when loading to our lms.

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    0 comments  ·  MARC  ·  Admin →

    This idea is being closed as part of our annual clean-up process (criteria for closure: older than 12 months, fewer than 10 votes). If you would like to reopen this idea for future consideration, please contact ebooksPMAnswers ( We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Idea Exchange process. 


    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  13. Counter reports should reflect usage for collection as it was on the dates selected (instead of as it was on the date run)

    As it currently stands, if I run a report today covering 2018 usage for our consortially held collections, the usage totals only reflect usage for titles that are still in the collection (as well as newly added titles). It would be better if a report for 2018 usage included data for all the titles that were part of the collection in 2018. We have access to a couple large consortially held packages. The practice as it is currently in place results in a discrepancy of several hundred downloads in the BR2 count for Feb 2018 if we compare a report…

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    This idea is being closed as part of our annual clean-up process (criteria for closure: older than 12 months, fewer than 10 votes). If you would like to reopen this idea for future consideration, please contact We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Idea Exchange process. 


    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  14. Peak period short term license increase purchase

    A service that would be great to support select titles in peak periods, if you could offer a 'peak period' unlimited access license for a short period 1-2 weeks. If we are experiencing a sharp peak if we could quickly activate a purchase to expand temporary unlimited access to our students, we could assist elevate the access issues they have during crucial, stressful times in their studies.

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    This idea is being closed as part of our annual clean-up process (criteria for closure: older than 12 months, fewer than 10 votes). If you would like to reopen this idea for future consideration, please contact ebooksPMAnswers ( We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Idea Exchange process. 


    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  15. To generate the reports to get the titles by the ‘disciplines’ like Arts & Humanities


    Good Morning!

    We are not able to get to the discipline level when generate any of the reports. Example: Arts & Humanities. You do have fund codes, subject headings like Science, Medicine, Pharmacy etc. and LC call numbers in certain reports but we need get the titles grouped under a particular discipline.

    Please add the functionality to generate the reports to get the titles by the ‘disciplines’.

    Have a nice day ahead!
    With best wishes
    Sunita Gandhi for Library Electronic Resources
    University of Kansas Libraries

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    This idea is being closed as part of our annual clean-up process (criteria for closure: older than 12 months, fewer than 10 votes). If you would like to reopen this idea for future consideration, please contact We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Idea Exchange process. 


    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  16. Pages "printed" to PDF should have a downloaded filename that reflects the actual book page numbers and not the fake internal page numbers.

    Pages "printed" to PDF should have a downloaded filename that reflects the actual book page numbers and not the fake internal page numbers. For instance, if I "print" to PDF page 155 of an example book, the filename that is downloaded is "ShapeshiftersBlackGirlsandtheChoreographyof...----(Pg172--172)" because if you count all the non-numbered pages like the front cover, this would be page 172 of the resulting full PDF. But this leads patrons and us librarians to waste a lot of time double-checking that we really got page 155 instead of 172.

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    This idea is being closed as part of our annual clean-up process (criteria for closure: older than 12 months, fewer than 10 votes). If you would like to reopen this idea for future consideration, please contact ebooksPMAnswers ( We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Idea Exchange process. 

  17. Accuracy in EBA availability

    Is there any way to make the “Not available” bigger, or to suppress the record in the first place? It’s kind of misleading….

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  18. Improve order confirmation emails for GOBI

    We currently place most of our ebook orders through GOBI. The order confirmation emails we receive from Ebook Central are pretty minimal. They only include the Title, Author, EISBN and access url. I opened a support ticket about this, but was told "orders submitted from YBP/GOBI provide limited details compared to the direct LibCentral order confirmations" and that I should submit an Idea Exchange request because it wasn't currently on their roadmap to fix this. It would be extremely helpful if these minimal emails at least included access model purchased. We make special notes for titles purchased with limited user…

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  19. sports Analytics

    Request to add the collection in the area of operations and analytics like sports analytics; R; Big data ; machine learning etc.

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  20. Password repetition

    For avoiding typos and also for safety reasons the password should be entered twice while creating/requesting a patron account.

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