Ebook Central
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2 results found
Daily turnaway email option
It would be helpful to have the option to have a daily compilation of turnaways sent automatically. We don't always upgrade a licence on the first turnaway notification, and the inbox can fill very quickly. I also don't want to run a manual report every day
11 votesSummarized turnaway email alerts (including a csv attachment) for daily, weekly and monthly turnaways are now available. You can sign-up to receive these on the Alerts page in LibCentral.
Real-time turn away alerts/reports
Kathleen wants this so she can go in and upgrade immediately. It’s not as helpful to see a turn away report in hind-sight
7 votesSummarized turnaway email alerts (including a csv attachment) for daily, weekly and monthly turnaways are now available. You can sign-up to receive these on the Alerts page in LibCentral.
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