Ebook Central
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We will read every post, although we may not be able to respond to every idea or comment submitted. This information will provide our development team with valuable input on priorities for Ebook Central improvements.
2 results found
To add the print ISBN to Ebook Central
To be able to find the title's alternative formats and editions If we search by the print ISBN or ISBN.
3 votesThe Print ISBN is included in the metadata on the platform. Patrons can use the Advanced Search to search by ISBN which will return results that match the Print or Ebook ISBN.
Refine Your Search by Publishers
We need a search facet of publisher at "Refine Your Search" in LibCentral.
15 votesTo promote ease of use in searching and improved report results when filtering by publisher, please look in your library’s LibCentral Acquisition Catalog Advanced Search, Publisher filter to see a more refined, cleaner list of publishers to search by. This same list carries over to the Title, Usage and Expenditure report publisher filter search. To add additional benefit to the reports, expect to see the exact publisher name in the reports display, allowing for better results when analyzing the report output.
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