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29 results found

  1. Add a public note field on eBook records.

    We'd like to add a public note to individual titles explaining why they have a different download model than the rest of our holdings. For example, the textbooks we purchase are all unlimited use, but with no download permissions. We'd like to have a public note field explaining why the user is unable to download that book.

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    Thank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.


    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  2. Display access model on the patron site

    Currently patrons do not know what access model we have for the ebooks on Ebook Central. Enhance the platfrom to indicate for patrons the access model of the ebook (DDA, subscription, perpetual, etc).

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    Thank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea an will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.

  3. Please can Russian/Ukraian be added to the language settings?

    Currently Russian/Ukrainian is not a alternative choice, due to the recent conflict, our college has had a high intake of learners, it would be extremely useful to hv this additional language added to eBook central

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    Thank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.

  4. Session Length Online Reader

    The session length of 30 minutes of inactivity before you are automatically removed from a title is too short to really be able to concentrate on your study work. As a user, it is exhausting to look for the spot where you stopped every time your session ended throughout the title.

    Might it be possible to make the session longer or to set up a pop-up window so that you are at least warned before the session ends?

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    Thank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea an will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.


    Alana DeWitt Johnson

    Product Owner, Ebook Central

  5. Allow left-hand menu to be hidden in text only mode to support enlarging text

    When using text-only mode the text of the book can be enlarged using browser zoom to a higher level than when text-only mode is disabled (when using Read Online or download views). For visually impaired users who need to enlarge text to a higher level of magnification than non text-only Read Online or downloads will allow, text-only mode should meet this need. However, as the text is enlarged using browser zoom the left-hand menu (containing table of contents, search etc) also increases in size, covering the book content. The left-hand menu cannot be closed (as it can when text-only mode…

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  6. Highlight reason for turn-away on eBook's landing page

    Many students do not take the time to scan the page (much less read it). When a s student is unable to access a book, all information is irrelevant, EXCEPT the information that I have highlighted. The student will not care about title, author, publication date, etc. They only care about accessing the book, and if they can’t access the book, they are ONLY interested why not & what else they can do. I suggest you highlight this information so that students know why they could not access the book, and what other options they have to proceed from here.

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    Thank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.

  7. "Load Period" to be hidden for messages of book purchase

    Could the "Loan Period" shown in the automatic message template be hidden for the libraries who only adopt DDA book purchase model?

    The item "Loan Period" confuses the users about accessing the books.

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    Thank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.

  8. extend customizability

    Please make more texts and messages (e.g. in the login window) customizable.

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  9. Patrons can see when a newer edition is available

    new edition
    Indiquer clairement qu'une nouvelle édition est disponible.
    Par exemple pour le titre Motivational Interviewing with Adolescents and Young Adults

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  10. When Accessibility Mode has been enabled, return the user to their previous location.

    Currently users are returned to an Ebook Central search page. From there they have to search for, correctly identify and re-access the book they were reading, and navigate back to the location within the book where they were when they changed their accessibility setting. For users who navigated in via their institution's Catalogue record for the book, this can be confusing and disorienting.

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  11. To send notification when a book is about to be returned online

    It would be good if users got a notification when a book they were borrowing online was about to be returned. We have users that have lost notes because they made notes on Adobe DE and then when the book was returned and then re-loaned the notes were not there.

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  12. Better Search Experience - Some Miscellaneous Ideas for Finding Content More Effectively

    A set of ideas from a librarian who would love to see enhancements to the search interface and the lists that are provided within the system.

    Who is curating the list?
    How often is it updated?
    How is it updated/description of what’s on the list
    More specific lists (i.e. Social Justice is great, but it’s way too broad for practical reasons and should be narrower by specific SJ topic)

    Better filtering:
    Popularity within LibCentral
    Critical Acclaim
    Community Selections/Picks
    Highlights/Spotlights around specific events or contexts
    Promotions/Sale Items
    Review ratings (like Amazon)
    New releases/future releases
    Rather than “year of publication,” which…

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  13. Add a 'Recent additions' carousel along with the 'Recently viewed' one

    We regularly purchase additional titles to our package and we would like to promote those to our patrons. We are a specialised library and it would be good to be able to highlight those titles that have been chosed specifically for our patrons. Other e-book platforms have such carousels in place.

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  14. Update citation styles offered, and describe these more fully

    The version of the Chicago style offered in Ebook Central is not the latest - could it be updated? There may be other citation styles that would benefit from updating too. Please also let readers see which version of each citation style is available - e.g. labelling it as Chicago/Turabian - Notes-Bibliography (17th edition) rather than just Chicago/Turabian - Notes-Bibliography. These two improvements would bring Ebook Central into line with other ProQuest/ExLibris products such as Art & Architecture Archive and Summon.

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  15. Patrons can change the color of the page in the reader

    Ability to change page colour to a more muted one, as plain white is hard on the eye over a long period, this function is already in many other digital readers.

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  16. Mediate Request library preferences

    For mediated requests and the mediate request form, we also have our settings set as "No" for mediated requests, and yet the system overrides the library's expressed preferences for mediated requests by providing users a mediate request form when the user limit has been exceeded for a title. The library's expressed preferences should take precedence over the system.

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  17. Invert colors for accessibility

    Those with dyslexia and eyesight problems have difficulty reading when the background is white and the letters are black.
    The online reader overrides the desktop inverse color for the reader, so it's not possible for me to invert the colors in the reader--so it's very difficult for me to read the text in the reader.
    For greater accessibility, it should be possible to invert the colors. Thanks!

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  18. Normalize Highlighting

    Highlighting sentences is inconsistent where it either highlights the sentence continuously or highlights each individual word. The latter creates a distracting white lattice of un-highlighted space over the text which makes it very difficult to read.

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  19. Ability to create reading lists which then have a unified permanent proxied url

    Ability to create a reading list which has with a single proxied URL would be useful.

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  20. When institutions own a 1U and NL copy that Availability in Ebook Central should state that multiple copies are owned.

    We have titles with both 1U and NL user licences, but on the library catalogue the statement is "your library owns 1 x copy" which is misleading for users.

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