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16 results found

  1. Include URLs in LibCentral Title Reports

    Including urls in Title Reports can help manage holdings in third-party catalogs and discovery layers. Thank you!

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  2. Ebook Central Upgrade Report

    Create a report that can be routinely pulled in LibCentral that provides --turnaway data, unique access data, highest owned license, highest available upgrade, current price for highest available upgrade, upgrade path and Is the title included in any subscribed products. A report such as this will help with making ebook upgrade decisions in bulk on a routine basis.

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  3. LibCentral title reports enhancement request - total user access

    For limited user access titles (1U or 3U licenses) we often want to know the total user access we have currently, and as far as I'm aware there's no way to extract this from the current admin reports.

    Generating title reports, there is no total user access information. There are "copies" and "access model" but there is no way to easily calculate the total access from these columns.

    For example we have a title that shows as 4U access when you search in LibCentral. However the same title on the title report has:
    Copies - 3
    Access model - 1-user,…

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    Thank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.

  4. Schedule usage report

    Schedule a customize usage report every week, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually and send to an email.

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  5. Include upgrade prices in LibCentral reports

    It's really easy to get current new-purchase prices for a group of books: get their docids, run a title match, and the Excel report includes each book's current prices for each available license. It's really hard to get current upgrade prices: you have to open a book's LibCentral page, click the upgrade buttons, record the prices, and repeat for every book. The other day, I needed to find unlimited-access upgrade prices for 727 books, and it required most of my morning. Since the system knows the upgrade price, would it be that hard to add to a report? Just add…

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  6. Extended Access Report

    It would be really useful to be able to generate a weekly report on all titles that we have auto-upgraded, auto-purchased or that were mediated as part of the Extended Access program. Whilst we get notifications when individual titles are triggered, a weekly report would really help with monitoring.

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  7. Automatically email weekly usage summary

    Our institution is moving towards Power BI to live present our data. Therefore we need a way to export that data from ProQuest in a format that can be identified and harvested by other Microsoft systems. An Excel spreadsheet attached to an email might be able to do this with Flow

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  8. PQ LibCentral Title Reports Enhancement request - please include copyright year

    PQ LibCentral Reports Enhancement request - please include copyright year.
    PQ Administration System Reports include the copyright year and so should the LibCentral Reports for librarians.

    Thank you.

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  9. request to add Full Download detail information to Title Report

    Please add Full Download detail information on the Title Report and title list (via Dashbord).

    Title list has an 'EPUB Full Download Only' column but we need a detail Full Download information exactly you listed on LibCentral Full Record. Please refer to the attached screenshot. Also please add 'Full Download information' to Title Report under the 'Availability' section.

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  10. Referral Statistics

    We would find it helpful if there is a way to get referral statistics for Ebook Central under LibCentral's self-service options. This would benefit institutions looking at the various ways they're providing access to Ebook Central titles, and are hoping to get statistics to see how library users are discovering and linking to ebook holdings.

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  11. Is it possible to export libCentral's reports to XLS and not only .csv and MARC as it is the case?

    i can't have my export directly in xls i have it only in .csv and must do some manipulations to get it in correctly excel

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  12. Getting usage data through API

    Set up a possibility of getting usage data through API.

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  13. Additional turnaways information requested

    With auto-upgrades, if an eBook is only available as a 1-user license and is in use please could it be reported as a turnaway if someone else tries to access it. Not everyone will fill in the mediated title request so I don't think we are getting a true picture of how often people can't access 1-user titles and we have quite a lot of these. It would also help make COUNTER reporting of turnaways more accurate I would guess? Thanks

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  14. Add document type 'Textbook' to available search refinements, and within usage reports.

    It would be great to be able to quickly refine the owned content list to textbooks only, and from there extract a spreadsheet of your textbook model titles with relevant information. It would also be great to report on textbook model usage separately and quickly.

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    Thank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.

  15. Add access permission to Expenditure and Usage Report

    For tracking costs (of user groups defined by access permissions sets) a additional column of the user access permission in the reports (exports) would be helpful.

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  16. Title Report delivery

    Libcentral's Title Report can only be delivered by email, even if it's a tiny report with ten or a dozen lines. It would be nice if a download option were provided, as with the Usage Report.

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