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2 results found

  1. Customizable Purchase Hierarchy

    We would like the ability to customize our autopurchase hierarchy, because our preference of Access Model does not match the Purchase Hierarchy for Ebook Central

    Also, we require the ability to exclude select Access Models so they are never purchased.

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    I am happy to announce that the Customizable Autopurchase Hierarchy feature is now available for libraries to enable in LibCentral allowing you more control over your DDA and Extended Access settings

    You can find more information about how to configure the hierarchy in this Support Article: What is the Purchase Hierarchy for Ebook Central DDA and Extended Access Autopurchases?

    Thank you all for your valuable feedback and insights that helped us deliver this feature. 

  2. DDA Auto Shut-off

    Add option to shut-off DDA program automatically once funds have been depleted.

    13 votes

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    Dear Idea Exchange Members,

    Thank you for contributing in Ebook Central’s idea exchange! We took one of the ideas and ran with it – DDA shut off, now named DDA Budget Tracker is available in LibCentral. This new smart tool will help reduce unpredictability in DDA spending and will ease your concerns of DDA overspending.

    On behalf of ProQuest Ebook Central team, we appreciate your valuable input on priorities for Ebook Central improvements.​

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