Form on Oasis to request titles as ebooks
Would like there to be a form on Oasis for colleagues who want to know if we can get a print title in ebook format. Or to suggest a collaboration between a small publisher and EBC so we can access their ebooks on the platform rather than self-hosting a PDF. We would also like a way to be able to view what's been requested and any progress in the process.

Thank you for the feedback. OASIS does not host content, so any requests that come through customer service are passed to Ebook Central. Would it be helpful to include the link to the same Ebook Central request form within OASIS?
Louise commented
Create a request form like the one in Lib Central where you can request a title to be made available in e that's only currently in print.
This isn't an option in OASIS currently so acquisitions staff have to generate an email to customer service at Ringwood each time they want to request one then there is no follow up. It would be good if anyone with an Oasis login could make their own requests.
Additional functionality that would be good in OASIS and Lib Central would be able to revisit the list of titles requested and review progress - so an acknowledgement that someone has picked it up and a response from the publisher yes or no and a load date if yes